“Blazing Saddles” quotes
Mel Brooks
directed this movie
in 1974
Title Blazing Saddles
Year 1974
Director Mel Brooks
Genre Comedy, Western
Year 1974
Director Mel Brooks
Genre Comedy, Western
Plot – Colorado, 1874. While Rock Ridge mourns the violent death of the sheriff, the evil governor Hedley plans the most outrageous slur for the industrious community of authentic WASP: he wants to elect a black person sheriff. Even if the color of the skin instills unfriendly and unfair behaviours, the brave Bart wins the hearts and minds of his fellow citizens, bringing the law back into his small village. All credits go to Waco Kid’s help, a good hearted ex-gunman with a hysterical trigger.
All actors – Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Slim Pickens, Harvey Korman, Madeline Kahn, Mel Brooks, Burton Gilliam, Alex Karras, David Huddleston, Liam Dunn, John Hillerman, George Furth, Jack Starrett, Carol Arthur, Richard Collier, Charles McGregor, Robyn Hilton, Don Megowan, Dom DeLuise, Count Basie, Karl Lukas, , Billy Akins, John Alderson, Don Ames, Tom Anfinsen, David Armstrong, Anne Bancroft, Herman Boden, Nick Borgani, Alex Brown, Jerry Brown, Eldon Burke, David Cadiente, Patrick Campbell, Bill Catching, Ray Chabeau, Donald Chaffin, Jack Clinton, Aneta Corsaut, Dick Crockett, Alfred DeSio, George Dockstader, Ross Dollarhyde, Alphonso DuBois, Hobert Durham Jr., Stewart East, Kenny Endoso, Elly Enriquez, Richard Farnsworth, Abel Franco, Ben Frommer, John Furlong, Rick Garcia, Seamon Glass, Cecil Gold, Chuck Hayward, Robert Hitchcock, Kal Isaacs, Rosemary Johnston, Madge Journeay, M.J. Kane, Sally Kirkland, Patrick Labyorteaux, Almeteer LaFrance, Richard LaMarr, Tex Lambert, Jack Lilley, Craig Littler, Jay Loft-Lyn, Bert Madrid, Ralph Manza, Jimmy Martinez, Bert May, Fred McDougall, Rod McGaughy, Bill McIntosh, Clyde McLeod, Troy Melton, Ira Miller, Jessamine Milner, Richard Monahan, Boyd 'Red' Morgan, Beans Morocco, Hal Needham, Daniel Núñez, Monty O'Grady, Harvey Parry, Jack Perkins, Alan Peterson, Tom Pittman, Anthony Redondo, Booty Reed, Tony Regan, Danny 'Big Black' Rey, Robert Ridgely, Rodney Allen Rippy, Hank Robinson, Wally Rose, Clark Ross, Darrell Sandeen, Danny Sands, George Sawaya, Fred Scheiwiller, Marrietta Schmidt, David Sharpe, Eddie Smith, Tom Steele, Tim Sullivan, Jerry Summers, Lisa Summers, Jim Taylor, George Tracy, Jerry Trent, Frankie Van, Richard Vitagliano, Al Ward, Dick Warlock, Janice Whitby, Pinocchio Roy Wilson, Joe Yrigoyen, Bill Zuckert
show all“Blazing Saddles” Quotes 19 quotes
“- Hedley Lamarr: I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists.
- Taggart...” (continue)(continue reading)“How did he do such fantastic stunts with such little feet?”
“- Bart: A man drink like that and he don't eat, he is going to die.
- Jim: [eagerly] When?”“- Hedley Lamarr: Qualifications?
- Applicant: Rape, murder, arson, and rape.
- Hedley Lamarr: You said rape twice.
- Applicant: I like rape.”“Hold it! Next man makes a move, the nigger gets it!”
Then one day, I was just walking down the street when I heard a voice behind me say, "reach for it, mister"! I spun around... and there I was, face to face with a six-year old kid. Well, I just threw my guns down and walked away. Little bastard shot me in the ass. So I limped to the nearest saloon, crawled inside a whiskey bottle... and I've... (continue)(continue reading)
“Oh, shit. Quicksand!
[he lassos the hand-cart and drags it but not the men out of the quicksand]
Dang, that was lucky. Doggone near lost a four hundred dollar handcar.”“- Hedley Lamarr: Think of your secretary...
[the pen goes straight in]
- Governor William J. Le Petomane: Thank you. That's a good one.”“- Jim: Look at my hand.
[raises hand and holds it level]
- Bart: Steady as a rock.
- Jim: [raises his other hand, which is violently trembling] Yeah, but I shoot with this one.”“- Bart: Stampeding cattle.
- Hedley Lamarr: That's not much of a crime.
- Bart: Through the Vatican?
- Hedley Lamarr: [smiling] Kinky!”“- Taggart: The surveyors say they may have run into some quicksand up ahead. Better check it out.
- Lyle: Okay, I'll send down a team of horses to check out the ground.
- Taggart: Horses?
[hits Lyle's head]
- Taggart: We can't afford to lose any horses, you dummy! Send over a couple of niggers.”