Motivational Quotes
Actors' inspirational and motivational quotes
Topic description
This section is dedicated to motivational and inspirational quotes. Actors and directors have their own way to confront and overcome difficulties. This is a collection of mantras that help celebrities reach happiness and serenity, or teach them never to give up in difficult times and to live life as best as they can. The concepts at the core of this section are resilience, determination and perseverance for reaching our dreams.
“The thing about happiness is that it doesn't help you to grow; only unhappiness does that. ”
“The only safe thing is to take a chance.”
“Having a dream is what keeps you alive. Overcoming the challenges makes life worth living.”
“Quit everything until you find something that you just cannot quit.”
“The only things you regret are the things you didn't do.”
“No matter how much we disagree with people, demonising them doesn't get us anywhere; it merely indicates a closed mind. ”
“You always want to stretch yourself and grow and know that there's something to work towards.”
“When you work with love, you will love your work.”
“If you really need to, you have to make it happen.”
“He who laughs most, learns best. ”
“Sometimes you have to do the things that scare you and that are outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.”
“You just have to do your own thing, no matter what anyone says. It's your life.”
“Love me or hate me, just don't be indifferent.”
“Sometimes, the thing that ties you down sets you free. ”
“It's easier to be responsible for the decisions that you've made yourself than for the ones that other people have made for you.”
“You feel alive to the degree that you feel you can help others.”
“The reality of things going on around me is more interesting than the fantasies of the world I work in.”
- Also found in Acting Coaching
“One thing I’ve noticed about the guys at the top is they’re so relaxed and calm – it’s about not having anything to prove except doing good work.”
“You don't have to take yourself so seriously all the time.”
“It's not necessary to go far and wide. I mean, you can really find exciting and inspiring things within your hometown.”