30 Romantic Movie Quotes for Valentine's Day
Loveis certainly one of the main protagonists of every good respectable movie. On Valentine's Daywe want to celebrate it with the romantic quotes taken from the most beautiful films ever.
From the movie: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
“The very first moment I beheld you, my heart was irrevocably gone.”
talking to an unconscious Darcy, after the bridge explosion
Lily James - Elizabeth Bennet
From the movie: Big Fish
“They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. What they don't tell you is that when it starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.”
Albert Finney - Ed Bloom - Senior
From the movie: Sweet November
“Nelson, would you like to be my November?”
Charlize Theron - Sara Deever
From the movie: Serendipity
“- Jonathan Trager: I just meant I had a really nice time. You know, maybe you should give me your phone number. Just in case.
- Sara Thomas: In case of what?
- Jonathan Trager: In case of life.”
John Cusack - Jonathan Trager
Kate Beckinsale - Sara Thomas
From the movie: Minnie and Moskowitz
“I think about you so much, I forget to go to the bathroom!”
talking to Minnie
Seymour Cassel - Seymour Moskowitz
From the movie: Titanic
“Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me... it brought me to you. And I'm thankful for that, Rose. I'm thankful. You must do me this honor.”
Leonardo DiCaprio - Jack Dawson
From the movie: Brooklyn
“The next time you tell me you love me, if there is a next time, I'll, I'll say I love you too.”
to Tony, who had once told her he loved her
Saoirse Una Ronan - Eilis
From the movie: Captain Corelli's Mandolin
“- Captain Antonio Corelli: The other night when you were dancing the way you were moving the turn of your head. I thought I could watch you forever.
- Pelagia: You think you can come here and turn my whole world upside down?”
Nicolas Cage - Captain Antonio Corelli
Penelope Cruz - Pelagia
From the movie: Boys and Girls
“It felt like you and I were the greatest plan ever made and I had nothing to do with it.”
Freddie Prinze Jr. - Ryan Walker
From the movie: Original Sin
“Perhaps later on I will tell you the story of how we came to be here. It is an interesting tale. Some of it is even true. But for now, I can say that from the moment I saw her, I loved her. And no matter the price, you cannot walk away from love.”
Antonio Banderas - Luis Antonio Vargas
From the movie: Hitch
That’s what people do... they leap and hope to God they can fly! Because otherwise, we just drop like a rock... wondering the whole way down "why in the hell did I jump?”. But here I am, Sara, falling. And there's only one person that makes me feel like I can fly. That's you.
Will Smith - Hitch
From the movie: Millennium
“You're the best thing in a thousand years, Bill.”
Cheryl Ladd - Louise Baltimore
From the movie: Paulie
“You're the song that the tree sings, when the wind blows. You're a flower... you're a river... you're a rainbow. I loved you the first time I saw you... And I always will love you.”
talking to Marie
Trini Alvarado - Adult Marie Alweather
From the movie: The Way We Were
“Commitment is part of you. Part of what makes you attractive, part of what attracted me to you.”
Robert Redford - Hubbell
From the movie: Man of the Year
“When you're in love with a beautiful woman, she can tell you that Gandhi ate hot dogs and you'll believe her.”
Christopher Walken - Jack Menken
From the movie: Moulin Rouge!
“Come what may, I will love you until my dying day.”
Ewan McGregor - Christian and Satine
From the movie: American Hustle
“You're nothing to me until you're everything.”
Amy Adams - Sydney Prosser
From the movie: Magnolia
“I can't let you go. Now, you... you listen to me now. You're a good person. You're a good and beautiful person and I won't let you walk out on me. And I won't let you say those things - those things about how stupid you are and this and that. I won't stand for that. You want to be with me... then you be with me. You see?”
talking to Claudia
John C. Reilly - Officer Jim Kurring
From the movie: High Art
“- Lucy: What's wrong?
- Syd: I think I'm kind of in love with you.”
Ally Sheedy - Lucy Berliner
Radha Mitchell - Syd
From the movie: Anna Karenina
“When I leave you, I'm lost in a world of strangers. When I touch your hand, we're alone.”
talking to Anna Karenina while dancing
Fredric March - Count Vronsky
From the movie: Waitress
“If I had a penny for everything I love about you, I would have many pennies.”
talking to Dawn
Eddie Jemison - Ogie
From the movie: Julie & Julia
“You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.”
Stanley Tucci - Paul Child
From the movie: Bridget Jones's Diary
“- Bridget Jones: You once said you liked me just as I am and I just wanted to say likewise. I mean there are stupid things your mum buys you, tonight's another... classic. You're haughty, and you always say the wrong thing in every situation and I seriously believe that you should rethink the length of your sideburns. But, you're a nice man and I like you. If you wanted to pop by some time that might be nice... more than nice.
- Mark Darcy: Right, crikey.”
Renee Zellweger - Bridget Jones
Colin Firth - Mark Darcy
From the movie: Keeping the Faith
“I love you. I'm in love with you. And I've been waiting my whole life for someone like you and I'm not gonna let you go. Please don't go. Anna, I'm not gonna let you go.”
talking to Anna
Ben Stiller - Rabbi Jake Schram
From the movie: The Cider House Rules
“I've looked at so many women. I've seen everything, and felt nothing. But when I look at you, it hurts.”
talking to the woman he loves
Tobey Maguire - Homer Wells
From the movie: The Wedding Singer
“If you find somebody you can love, you can't let that get away.”
Allen Covert - Sammy
From the movie: Hitch
“So how does it happen, great love? Nobody knows, but what I can tell you is that it happens in the blink of an eye. One moment you're enjoying your life, and the next you're wondering how you ever lived without them.”
Will Smith - Hitch
From the movie: The Love Letter
“Dearest, Do you know how much in love with you I am? Did I trip? Did I stumble - lose my balance, graze my knee, graze my heart? I know I'm in love when I see you. I know when I long to see you, I'm on fire. Not a muscle has moved. Leaves hang unruffled by any breeze. The air is still. I have fallen in love without taking a step. You are all wrong for me and I know it, but I can no longer care for my thoughts unless they are thoughts of you.”
from the text of the unsigned letter Helen finds
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From the movie: Meet Joe Black
“Find someone you can love like crazy and who will love you the same way back. How do you find him? Well, you forget your head, and you listen to your heart.”
Philip Anthony Hopkins - William Parrish
From the movie: Untamed Heart
“I am going to fall in love with you. You don't have to love me back. I am going to give you my heart.”
Marisa Tomei - Caroline