

Only topics with at least 2 quotes are listed here. To see also topics with only one quote, click the link “All the topics” at the end of each section.


abandonment, ability, abortion, absence, absolution, abstinence, abundance, abuse, acceptance, accessories, accident, accuracy, accusation, aches, achievement, acting, actors, adaptation, addiction, address, admiration, adoption, adultery, adventure, adversity, advertising, advice, affection, africa, age, aging, agreement, agriculture, air, airplane, alien, alliance, ambition, america, americans, amusement, anarchy, ancestry, angels, anger, animals, answers, anticipation, antiquity, anxiety, apologies, apparel, appearance, appetite, apple, appreciation, architecture, argument, aristocracy, army, arrogance, art, artist, ash, aspiration, associates, assumptions, astrology, astronomy, atheism, atomic bomb, attention, attitude, authenticity, author, authority, avarice, awakening, awards, awareness, awkwardness
All the topics starting with “A”


babblers, babyhood, bachelor, badness, balance, bankers, barber, baseball, bashfulness, basketball, battle, beard, beauty, beauty doctor, bed, bees, beggars, beginnings, behavior, belief, bells, benefit, benevolence, bible, bicycle, bigotry, biography, birds, birth, birth control, birthday, bitterness, blackmail, blame, blessing, blindness, bliss, blood, body, books, border, boredom, borrowing, boss, bothering, boxing, boy, brain, break-up, breakfast, breaking, breast, breed, brevity, bribe, bride, brotherhood, brothers, building, bullying, bureaucracy, business, butterflies
All the topics starting with “B”


calamity, california, calmness, canada, cannibalism, capacity, capitalism, caprice, cards, career, caring, carpe diem, cars, catastrophe, cats, caution, censorship, ceremony, certainty, challenge, champion, chance, changing, chaos, character, charity, charm, chase, chastity, cheating, cheerfulness, chess, childhood, children, china, chocolate, choice, christ, christianity, christians, christmas, church, cinema, circumstance, citizenship, city, civilization, class, cleanliness, clergy, clergymen, cleverness, clock, clothes, clouds, clown, coffee, coincidences, cold, colors, comedy, comfort, commanding, commitment, common sense, communication, communism, community, companionship, company, comparison, compassion, complaining, compliments, compromise, computer, conceit, concentration, concern, confession, conformity, confusion, conquest, conscience, consistency, conspiracy, constancy, constitution, consumerism, consumption, contemplation, contempt, contraceptive, control, controversy, conversation, conversion, conviction, cooking, corruption, cosmetics, country, countryside, courage, court, cow, cowardice, craft, creation, creativity, credit, credulity, crime, crisis, criticism, critics, cross, crow, crowd, cruelty, crying, culture, cunning, curiosity, curse, custom, cynicism
All the topics starting with “C”


dancing, danger, daring, darkness, data, date, daughter, day, deafness, deal, death, death penalty, debt, decay, deceit, decision, defeat, defense, delay, delicacy, democracy, denial, dentistry, dependence, depression, desert, desire, despair, destiny, destruction, determination, devil, dictatorship, diet, dignity, diligence, dinner, diplomacy, direction, director, dirt, disability, disappointment, discontent, discovery, discretion, discrimination, disease, disguise, disgust, dishonesty, dislike, disobedience, dissatisfaction, distance, diversity, divinity, divorce, doctors, dogs, doing, doubt, dreams, drinking, driving, drugs, drunkenness, dublin, duel, dullness, duty
All the topics starting with “D”


eagle, early rising, ears, earth, ease, eating, eccentricity, economics, economy, education, efficiency, effort, ego, egypt, elections, electricity, elegance, emotion, empathy, empire, encouragement, end, endurance, enemy, energy, engagement, england, enjoyment, entertainment, enthusiasm, environment, envy, ephemeral, epitaphs, equality, escape, esteem, eternity, ethnicity, europe, evening, events, evil, evolution, example, exception, excess, excitement, exercise, exile, existence, expectation, experience, experiment, exploitation, explosion, eyes
All the topics starting with “E”


fable, face, facts, failure, fairness, faith, falling in love, fame, familiarity, family, fanaticism, fancy, farewell, fascism, fashion, fate, father, faults, fear, feeling, feet, feminism, festivity, fiction, fidelity, fighting, finance, fire, fish, fishermen, fishing, flag, flattery, flight, flirting, flowers, flying, folly, food, fools, football, foresight, forest, forgetfulness, forgiveness, formality, fortitude, france, fraud, free will, freedom, friends, friendship, frugality, fruits, funeral, furniture, future
All the topics starting with “F”


gain, gambling, game, gang, garden, gender, generation, generosity, genitalia, genius, genocide, gentlemen, geometry, germany, ghetto, ghosts, gift, girl, glory, gluttony, goals, god, gold, good, good sense, goodness, gossip, government, grace, grass, gratitude, grave, gravity, greece, greed, greeting, grief, growth, guests, guilt
All the topics starting with “G”


habit, hair, halloween, hand, happiness, harmony, haste, hatred, head, healing, health, hearing, heart, heat, heaven, hell, helping, helplessness, heresy, heroes, heterosexuality, history, holidays, holiness, hollywood, holy spirit, home, homosexuality, honesty, honor, hope, horizon, horses, hospital, hospitality, hotel, hours, house, housework, hugs, human nature, human rights, humanity, humiliation, humility, humor, hunger, hunting, husband, hypocrisy
All the topics starting with “H”


idealism, ideals, ideas, ideology, idleness, idols, ignorance, illegality, illusion, imagination, imitation, immorality, immortality, impatience, impossibility, improvement, impudence, impulse, inability, incest, inconsistency, independence, indifference, indignation, indiscretion, individualism, individuality, indolence, industry, inequality, infatuation, infidelity, infinite, influence, ingratitude, inheritance, injustice, innocence, innovation, insects, insomnia, inspiration, instinct, insult, insurance, intellect, intelligence, interests, internet, interview, intimacy, intolerance, intuition, invention, investigation, investment, ireland, irony, islands, isolation, italy
All the topics starting with “I”


japan, jealousy, jest, jewels, jews, job, joke, journalism, joy, judges, judgment, justice, justification
All the topics starting with “J”


karma, kidnapping, killing, kindness, king, kiss, knights, knowledge
All the topics starting with “K”


labor, landscape, language, last words, laughing, law, law enforcement, lawyers, layoff, laziness, leader, leadership, learning, leaving, legality, legend, leisure, letters, liars, liberalism, liberty, library, license, lies, life, light, lightning, like, limits, lingerie, lions, lips, listening, literature, living, logic, london, los angeles, losing, loss, love, lover, loyalty, luck, lust, luxury, lying
All the topics starting with “L”


madness, mafia, magazine, magic, maidenhood, making love, malice, management, managing, manhood, manipulation, mankind, manners, marriage, martyrs, massacre, masters, masturbation, materialism, mathematics, maturity, meaning, media, medicine, mediocrity, meditation, meeting, melancholy, memory, men, mercy, merit, mermaids, metaphors, mexico, middle east, midnight, migration, mind, minority, miracle, misanthropy, mischief, misery, misfortune, misogyny, mistake, mistrust, misunderstanding, mocking, models, moderation, modernity, modesty, moment, monarchy, money, monster, monuments, moon, morality, morals, morning, mortality, mosquitoes, mother, motherhood, motivation, motive, mottoes, mountains, mourning, mouth, movie, moving, murder, music, musicians, mystery, mythology
All the topics starting with “M”


naivety, name, narcissism, nation, nature, navy, nazism, need, negligence, neighbors, nervousness, new york, news, newspapers, nickname, night, nightmares, nobility, noise, nonsense, normality, nose, nostalgia, nothingness, novels, novelty, november, nudity, numbers, nuns
All the topics starting with “N”


oath, obedience, obesity, oblivion, obsession, obstacles, obstinacy, obtuseness, ocean, office, old age, omnipotence, opinions, opportunism, opportunity, opposition, oppression, optimism, order, orgasm, originality, ostentation
All the topics starting with “O”


pacifism, pagan, pain, painting, paparazzi, paradoxes, parents, paris, parties, partner, partnerships, party, passion, past, path, patience, patriotism, payment, peace, people, perception, perfection, performance, perfume, period, persecution, perseverance, persuasion, perversion, pessimism, philosophers, philosophy, photography, physics, picture, pirate, pity, place, planets, planning, plants, playing, pleasure, poetry, poets, poison, police, politeness, politicians, politics, pollution, pope, popularity, pornography, position, possession, post, poverty, power, practice, praising, prayer, preaching, preferment, pregnancy, prejudice, present, presidency, press, price, pride, principles, prison, privacy, probability, problems, procrastination, production, profit, progress, prohibition, prominence, promises, promptness, proof, property, prophecy, proposals, prosperity, prostitution, protest, proverbs, providence, prudence, psychiatry, psychology, public, public opinion, public transport, punctuality, punishment, purgatory, puritanism, purity, purpose
All the topics starting with “P”


quality, questions, quotations
All the topics starting with “Q”


racism, radio, rage, rain, rape, reading, reality, rebellion, reconciliation, redemption, refinement, reflection, regret, reincarnation, rejection, relationships, relatives, religion, remedies, remembrance, remorse, repentance, republic, reputation, request, rescue, research, resentment, resignation, resolution, respect, responsibility, rest, results, resurrection, retirement, retribution, return, revenge, revolution, reward, rhythm, ridicule, right, rights, rigor, risk, rivalry, rivers, roads, robot, romance, rome, royalty, rudeness, ruin, rules, rumor, russians
All the topics starting with “R”


sacrifice, sadness, safety, sailors, saints, salary, salesmanship, salvation, santa claus, sarcasm, satire, satisfaction, savages, saving money, scandal, scars, school, science, scientists, scolding, scorn, scotland, sea, seasons, secrets, seduction, seeing, seeking, self-confidence, self-control, self-defense, self-denial, self-destruction, self-esteem, self-examination, self-help, self-knowledge, self-love, selfishness, senses, sensibility, sensuality, sentiment, separation, seriousness, servants, sex, shadow, shame, sharing, ships, shipwreck, shit, shopping, shyness, sight, silence, similarity, sin, sincerity, singers, singing, sisters, skepticism, skin, sky, slander, slavery, sleeping, smile, smoking, snob, snow, soccer, social network, socialism, society, soldiers, solitude, solutions, son, songs, sorrow, soul, sound, space, spain, speech, speed, spending, spiders, spirituality, sport, spring, stage, stalking, stars, statistics, stereotype, stink, stone, storm, storytelling, strangers, strategy, strength, stress, students, studying, stupidity, style, substance, success, suicide, summer, sun, sunday, sunrise, sunset, superficiality, supernatural, superstition, surf, surrender, survival, suspicion, swearing, swimming, symbols, sympathy
All the topics starting with “S”


talent, talking, taste, tattoos, taxes, tea, teachers, teaching, team, teamwork, tears, technology, teens, teeth, telephone, television, temper, temptation, tenderness, terrorism, test, theater, theft, theory, thieves, thinking, thirst, threat, thunder, time, time of life, toasting, today, tolerance, tomorrow, tongue, tools, torture, touchiness, toys, tradition, traffic, tragedy, tranquility, transgender, trap, travel, traveling, treachery, treason, trees, trial, trick, trouble, trust, truth, turkey, tyranny
All the topics starting with “T”


ugliness, uncertainty, understanding, unemployment, unhappiness, unity, universe, university, unkindness, unselfishness, usefulness, uselessness
All the topics starting with “U”


valor, values, vampire, vanity, vegetables, vegetarianism, venice, vice, victims, victory, videogames, villain, violence, virtue, vocation, voice, vows, vulgarity
All the topics starting with “V”


wages, waiting, walking, wandering, war, washington, waste, water, weakness, wealth, weapons, weariness, weather, weekend, weight, werewolf, wickedness, widow, wife, will, wind, wine and spirits, winning, winter, wisdom, wishes, wit, witches, witness, women, wonder, wooing, words, working, world, worry, worship, worth, wound, wrinkles, writers, writing
All the topics starting with “W”


years, youth
All the topics starting with “Y”


All the topics starting with “Z”