  • “- Adm. Thomas 'Tug' Benson: We'll pick it up on the way back. We gotta mark the spot, though. Put Robinowitz in a life raft. Have him row in circles until we return.
    - Communications Officer: It could be days.
    - Adm. Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Then put some food in the life raft, for God's sake, man. Do I have to think of everything? We'll tape his favorite shows, he won't miss anything.”

    while standing on top of the aircraft carrier, Adm. Thomas 'Tug' Benson's cap blew off and landed in the ocean

    Lloyd Bridges - Adm. Thomas 'Tug' Benson
    Jeff Bright - Communications Officer
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5/18/04 at 10:40 PM
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