Anthony Quinn Quote
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“Maureen and I were not meant to be married. Something always came up to keep us apart, a picture, or another affair, or some problem in the timing. Every once in a while, we landed on the same picture – Against All Flags, The Magnificent Matador – and resumed our affair.”
talking about Maureen O'Hara
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Actors' Thoughts
Actors' Love Affairs
7/26/18 at 4:00 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 52
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Actors' Love Affairs
7/26/18 at 4:00 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 52
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Other languages for this quoteIo e Maureen non eravamo fatti per il matrimonio, c'era sempre qualcosa che si metteva tra di noi, che fosse un nuovo film, un'altra relazione o il mancato tempismo. Ogni tanto ci ritrovavamo a recitare nello stesso film e riprendevamo la nostra storia d'amore.
- La trovi in Insults
“I thought Richard Burton was a wonderful man. He still is a wonderful man, no matter how many times he marries Elizabeth Taylor.”
- La trovi in Actors' Love Affairs
“There is no reason why marriage should necessarily compel an actress to forego her career. ”
- La trovi in Career in Cinema
“I didn’t do anything I’ve never done before, but when the camera moves in on that Bergman face, and she’s saying she loves you, it would make anybody feel romantic.”
- La trovi in Actors' Love Affairs
“I should never have married, but I didn't want to live without a man. Brought up to respect the conventions, love had to end in marriage. I'm afraid it did.”
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“I'm not an old-fashioned romantic. I believe in love and marriage, but not necessarily with the same person.”