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(Jurassic Park)
3/29/18 at 11:13 AM Average ratingexcellent

1Curiosities 44
Average ratingexcellent

3/29/18 at 11:13 AM Average ratingexcellent

Average ratingexcellent

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Similar quotes- From the movie: Naked
“- Brian: Whatever happens mankind will not cease to exist.
- Johnny: We must! By the very definition of apocalypse, mankind must cease to exist, at least in a material form.
- Brian: What do you mean, in a material form?
- Johnny: We will evolve.” - From the movie: Naked
“We'll evolve into something that transcends matter, into a species of pure thought.”
- From the movie: Jekyll & Hyde... Together Again
“- Customs Man at Heathrow: Anything to declare, sir?
- Hyde: Man has not evolved an inch from the primordial slime that spawned him.
- Customs Man at Heathrow: Very good, sir.” - From the movie: Blade
“Look at 'em. They're cattle; pieces of meat. What difference does it make how their world ends? Plague... war... famine. Morality doesn't even enter into it. We're just a function of natural selection, man. The new race.”
- From the movie: Mimic
“Evolution has a way of keeping things alive.”