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(Streets of Fire)
6/24/02 at 9:17 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 28
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6/24/02 at 9:17 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 28
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Similar quotes- From the movie: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
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“He doesn't have a home or people to care for. He's not afraid of anything, men least of all. He's fast and strong like a big wind. He can hear a hundred miles, and see a hundred miles underwater. He can hide in the shadow of a noon sun. He can be right behind you and you won't even know it til you're dead!”
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“You not only have a gifted mind, but you're also composed. You don't give in to your emotion. You think logically. Ben, you were born for this.”
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- Alex Sternbergen: That's what he does, that's not what he is.” - From the movie: 88 Minutes
“Psychiatrist by day, party animal by night.”