  • “- Elizabeth James: Where are we?
    - Nick Parker: This is where we're eating?
    - Hallie: [Pointing to a 100+ foot yacht] No. Actually, that's where we're eating.
    - Annie: She's ours for the night.
    - Nick Parker: Wow. So, how exactly are we paying for this?
    - Annie: Well, we pooled our allowances.
    - Nick Parker: Yeah. Right. Annie?
    - Annie: Okay. Grandfather chipped in a bit.
    - Elizabeth James: Annie!
    - Annie: Okay. He chipped in a lot.”

    after a limo pulls up to the end of an empty pier and the James and parker families get out

    Natasha Richardson - Elizabeth James
    Dennis Quaid - Nick Parker
    Lindsay Lohan - Hallie Parker
Quote details Movie (The Parent Trap)

1/18/14 at 4:54 PM
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