Fatih Akin Quote
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“I believe in that. Certain people may not need it. But other people need another rhetoric to understand this, I don't want to be preachy or act as a teacher but I want to create empathy. I made the film so that the Turkish audience could identify with an Armenian hero, which isn't easy. To do this you have to keep it simple and not challenge the audience with too much intellectual attitudes, but challenge them emotionally.”
on informing the Turkish audience about the historic Armenian Genocide through "The Cut"
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7/15/15 at 4:04 PM Average ratingpoor
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7/15/15 at 4:04 PM Average ratingpoor

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Other languages for this quote[parlando del genocidio armeno ai turchi tramite "The Cut"] Ci credo, altri no, altri ancora hanno bisogno di una certa retorica per capire. Non voglio fare il maestrino, ma creare empatia. Ho fatto questo film per permettere al pubblico turco di identificarsi con un eroe armeno, cosa per niente facile, e per fare ciò ho dovuto essere semplice, puntando sulle emozioni e non sulla ragione.
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