  • “- Flight Attendant: Sir, we have a policy on this airline that if a bag is this large we take...
    - Greg Focker: Okay you know what, take your scrubby little paws off my bag, okay? It's not like I have a bomb in here. It's not like I wanna blow up the plane. I just want to store my bag according to your safety regulations.
    - Flight Attendant: Sir, sir!
    - Greg Focker: Hey, hey, If you would take a second, take the little sticks out of your head, clean out your ears, and maybe you would see that I'm a person who has feelings, and all I have to do is do what I wanna do and all I want to do is hold on to my bag and not listen to you! And the only way that I would ever let go of my bag would be if you came over here right now and tried to pry it from my dead, lifeless fingers, okay? If you can get it from my kung-fu grip then you can come and have it, okay? Otherwise, step off, bitch.”

    at the airport

    Ben Stiller - Greg Focker
Quote details Movie (Meet The Parents)

10/2/14 at 11:53 PM
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