Gene Kelly Quote
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“I think dancing is a man's game and if he does it well he does it better than a woman.”
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Actors' Thoughts
Actors and Art
7/15/15 at 10:04 AM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 86
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Actors and Art
7/15/15 at 10:04 AM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 86
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Other languages for this quoteCredo che il ballo sia una questione per uomini e sono convinto che se un uomo sa ballare bene sia migliore di una ballerina.
- La trovi in History of Cinema in Quotes
“When Ginger Rogers danced with Astaire, it was the only time in the movies when you looked at the man, not the woman.”
“You come out of a woman and you spend the rest of your life trying to get back inside.”
“Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship.”