Harry Ruby Quote
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“I was very ill last summer. For a while, I thought I was a goner. I woke up one night in my hospital bed, and I saw, standing there, a tall man, wearing a white robe, with a long white beard. I said, 'Who are you?' He said, 'I am the Holy Ghost.' I said, 'Where are the Father and the Son?' He said, 'They're out of town.' I'm not a religious man, but it's things like this that make you stop and think.”
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9/4/18 at 11:18 AM Average ratingpoor1Curiosities 44
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9/4/18 at 11:18 AM Average ratingpoor1Curiosities 44
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Other languages for this quoteEro molto malato l'estate scorsa, pensavo di essere spacciato. Una notte mi sono svegliato in un letto d'ospedale e ho visto un uomo alto in piedi con indosso una veste bianca e una lunga barba bianca. Gli ho chiesto chi fosse e lui mi ha risposto "Sono lo Spirito Santo". Allora gli ho chiesto dove fossero il Padre ed il Figlio e lui mi ha detto "Sono fuori città". Non sono un uomo religioso, ma sono cose come queste che ti fanno pensare.
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- Dick Cavett: Ah. Hard to imagine.
- John Lennon: Well it's easy if you try, Dick.”