“It's tobacco. It kills 350,000 people a year. You know how much coke, crack, heroin, pot kill every year? Four thousand people. Will you listen to sense? Hello? Let me check. Will you listen to logic, please? The only people who benefit from prohibition... are the gangsters makin' the money on it, the politicians condemning it and gettin' your vote. And who foots the bill? You, Rhonda Q Sucker!”
talking to a caller about the most powerful drug ever sold
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3/18/11 at 9:39 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 27
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- Abbott: You've got a cigar in your mouth!
- Costello: I've got shoes on... it doesn't mean I'm walking.” - From the movie: Crime Spree
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- Seraph: Then there will be many men.”