  • “- Jack Potter: Who was it?
    - Skinny Woman: We're talking about... Washington.
    - Marty Mackenzie: My God, what, the governments involved?
    - Skinny Woman: No, George Washintgon. That's right! The kid who couldn't tell a lie. Shocked? So was I. He's livin' right up in that old mine up on the hill. Him and Elvis and M.L. King and JFK and John Lennon and Harry Truman. They got a cult going on up there. The Blue Oyster Cult.”

    interrogating a girl

    Leslie William Nielsen - Jack Potter
    Suzanne Krull - Skinny Woman
    Lochlyn Munro - Marty Mackenzie
Quote details Movie (Camouflage)

10/2/06 at 6:05 PM
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