Jon Favreau Quote
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“The irony is that the more unapologetically sexist men are in movies, the more women tend to be attracted to them in person.”
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Actors' Thoughts
Actors' Love Affairs
12/10/15 at 12:31 PM Average ratinggood
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Actors' Love Affairs
12/10/15 at 12:31 PM Average ratinggood

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Comments on this quote
Other languages for this quoteE' ironico come al cinema le donne siano attratte da uomini sessisti indifendibili.
- From the movie: The Pink Panther
“- Woman: I've never really known another man like him. He can keep ten girls in the air at once and make each one happy.
- Princess Dala: Amazing, sort of a contemporary Don Juan?” - From the movie: The Shipping News
“It's women that's shaped like leaves, and men fall.”
- From the movie: Desert Hearts
“How you get all that traffic with no equipment is beyond me!”
- From the movie: Woman of the Year
“Women should be kept illiterate and clean, like canaries.”
- From the movie: The General's Daughter