Kirk Wise Quote
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“I remember just being absolutely slack-jawed, stunned, knocked over, goggle-eyed with astonishment. They applauded like they were at a live Broadway show and I had never seen anything like that in my life.”
on the standing ovation an unfinished "Beauty and the Beast" received at the Sundance Film Festival
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Career in Cinema
7/7/15 at 4:58 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 18
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Career in Cinema
7/7/15 at 4:58 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 18
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Other languages for this quoteRicordo di essere rimasto a bocca aperta, meravigliato, con gli occhi di fuori per la sorpresa. Hanno applaudito come se avessero assistito ad uno spettacolo di Broadway e non ho mai visto niente del genere in vita mia.
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