“- Lenina Huxley: Just don't ask them where the meat comes from.
- John Spartan: Huxley, what's that supposed to mean?
- Lenina Huxley: Do you see any cows around here, detective?
- John Spartan: Que es este carne? [What is this meat?]
- Hamburger Stand Scrap: Este carne es de rata. [This meat is from rats]
- John Spartan: Rat? This is a rat burger?
[Hamburger Stand Scrap nods]
- John Spartan: Not bad! Matter of fact this is the best burger I've had in years!”Spartan encounters a burger grill in the underground world
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(Demolition Man)
3/9/05 at 2:10 PM Average ratingexcellent

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3/9/05 at 2:10 PM Average ratingexcellent

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