  • “- Lt. Carmen Ibanez: Johnny, wait...
    - Zander Barcalow: Forget it, Ensign. He's mobile infantry. When you're paid to kill it doesn't pay to be polite.
    - Johnny Rico: You got something to say about mobile infantry?
    - Zander Barcalow: You heard me. You want to make something of it... private?
    - Johnny Rico: No, sir, not with an officer. The mobile infantry doesn't mint stupid troopers.”

    after an argument between Carmen and Rico about their break up

    Denise Richards - Lt. Carmen Ibanez
    Patrick Muldoon - Zander Barcalow
    Casper Van Dien - Johnny Rico
Quote details Movie (Starship Troopers)

10/11/02 at 5:18 AM
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