Marlene Dietrich Quote
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“All the time I was in Berlin Garbo was my favorite. I only had Sunday afternoon free; I was playing, rehearsing all the other time. So on Sunday afternoons I used to go to see Garbo's pictures. I followed them from one theater to another; maybe sometimes I saw one five or six times. And when I came to America I thought perhaps I will meet her. I hear she likes German people. But now, no. She would think 'Humph, she is just someone else trying to be like me'. I cannot blame her, but it was cruel of people to say such things.”
commenting in 1930 on people referring to her as the second Greta Garbo
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Greta Garbo
5/22/18 at 12:32 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 45
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Greta Garbo
5/22/18 at 12:32 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 45
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Comments on this quote
Other languages for this quoteQuando stavo a Berlino la Garbo era la mia preferita. La domenica pomeriggio ero libera dalle prove e andavo a vederla di teatro in teatro, a volte guardando cinque o sei volte lo stesso film. Andando in America pensavo che magari avrei potuto incontrarla, ho sentito dire che i tedeschi le piacciono. Poi ho cambiato idea, magari lei pensa che sono solo un'altra che tenta di imitarla. Non posso biasimarla, ma che la gente lo pensi è davvero crudele.
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