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(The Color of Money)
2/5/98 at 3:32 PM Average ratingexcellent

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Average ratingexcellent

2/5/98 at 3:32 PM Average ratingexcellent

Average ratingexcellent

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Similar quotes- La trovi in Money and Actors
- From the movie: Just Friends
“You're Chris Brander. You're Hollywood, you date models. He's Dusty Dinkleman, he's Jersey, he skis in his jeans. It's Dinkleman.”
- From the movie: Bruce Almighty
“Debbie won the lottery. But I guess so did 400,000 other people, so she only won, like, $17.”
- From the movie: Evolution
“- Harry: So, do they give the Nobel Prize out in yearly payments or is it just one lump sum, like the lottery?
- Ira: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
- Harry: Oh, I'm not getting ahead of myself. I've very concerned about the potential tax consequences.” - From the movie: Hot Shots!
“- Lt. Topper Harley: There's something I want you to have. I've been putting a little away for the past ten years. It's not much. 2500. I wish I could do more.
- Mary Thompson: Why, Topper. That's so sweet. Why, with the three million that I won on this Lucky Lotto ticket, I can take this 2500 and just blow it all on hats.”