“Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom known as Andalasia, there lived an evil queen. Selfish and cruel,
she lived in fear that one day her stepson would marry and she would lose her throne forever.
And so she did all in her power to prevent the prince from ever meeting the one special maiden with whom he would share true love's kiss.”
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Similar quotes- From the movie: The Ox-Bow Incident
“I saw your face. It was the face of a depraved, murderous beast. Only two things ever meant anything to you: power and cruelty. You can't feel pity. You can't even feel guilt.”
- From the movie: The Pearl of Death
“I don't like your work, Conover. I've seen quite a bit of it both here in London and and elsewhere on the continent. Don't like the smell of you either. That underground smell, the sick sweetness of decay. You haven't robbed and killed merely for gain like any ordinary halfway decent thug. No, you're in love with cruelty for it's own sake.”
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- Sherlock Holmes: Because the method, whatever it is, is particularly subtle and cruel. Feline, not canine.” - From the movie: In the Line of Fire
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