“- Peter Banning: You're not old enough to shave! What are you doing with a sword? And flying around... this is an insurance nightmare! What is this, some sort of Lord of the Flies preschool? Where are your parents? Who's in charge, here? No! No, Mr. Skunkhead with too much mousse. You are just a punk kid. I want to speak to a grown-up!
- Rufio: All grown-ups are pirates!
- Peter Banning: Excuse me?
- Rufio: We kill pirates.
- Peter Banning: I'm not a pirate. It so happens I am a lawyer.
- Rufio: Kill the lawyer!”Peter arrives at Never Land and meets the Lost Boys
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1/16/15 at 6:12 AM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 617
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Similar quotes- From the movie: Nightwatch
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- James: Let's get older.
- Martin Bells: Now, there's a challenge.” - From the movie: What's Eating Gilbert Grape
“- Gilbert: God, Arnie, you're getting so big. Pretty soon I ain't gonna be able to carry you no more.
- Arnie Grape: No, you're getting littler, Gilbert. You're getting littler, you're shrinking! You're shrinking, Gilbert, you're shrinking! Shrinking, shrinking, shrinking!” - From the movie: Hook
“So, Peter, you've become a pirate.”
- From the movie: Happy Campers
“Nobody tells you how to be an adult. You just keep getting older anyway.”
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“I'm 30 years old. I'm almost a grown man.”