Ray Liotta Quote
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Actors' Thoughts
Career in Cinema
12/7/15 at 5:50 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 19
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Career in Cinema
12/7/15 at 5:50 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 19
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Other languages for this quoteAll'improvviso ho cominciato ad interpretare il ruolo del cattivo ragazzo ma affascinante e mi sono subito sentito a mio agio.
“Ho sempre ammirato e stimato Moana Pozzi per la sua intelligenza, l'indipendenza, la sua capacità di affascinare anche le donne.”
- From the movie: Big Fish
“You're like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny combined - just as charming, and just as fake.”
- From the movie: Beaches
“Sexual attraction has nothing to do with character. Unless you're Eleanor Roosevelt.”
- From the movie: The Black Cauldron
“- Eilonwy: Aren't you charming?
- Gurgi: And pungent, too.” “Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can have. It's much sexier than any body part.”