Richard Brooks Quote
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“I'll tell you about those men. They were monsters and pirates and bastards right down to the bottom of their feet, but they loved movies. They loved making movies, they loved seeing movies and they protected the people who worked for them. Some of the jerks running the business now don't even have faces.”
on producers
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Actors' Thoughts
The Art of Acting and Filmmaking
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The Art of Acting and Filmmaking
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Comments on this quote
Other languages for this quoteVi dirò che quegli uomini erano dei mostri, dei pirati e dei bastarsi fin nel midollo, ma amavano il cinema. Adoravano girare e guardare film e proteggevano tutti colori che lavoravano nei propri studi. Alcuni degli idioti che mandano avanti la baracca oggigiorno non hanno nemmeno un volto.
- La trovi in Career in Cinema
“A producer has to know all about everything from set-building to costumes to acting”
- La trovi in About Colleagues