River Phoenix Quote
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Actors' Thoughts
Addiction and Actors
7/22/18 at 12:01 AM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 11
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Addiction and Actors
7/22/18 at 12:01 AM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 11
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Comments on this quote
Other languages for this quoteSe capissimo che non ci sono vere ragioni che giustificano il consumismo e che si tratta solo di un'impostazione mentale o di una dipendenza, non diventeremmo degli arrampicatori sociali a scapito degli altri.
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“I'm part of the consumer culture.”
- La trovi in Relationships in Hollywood
- La trovi in Relationships in Hollywood
“I became an actor so I didn't have to be myself.”
- La trovi in Relationships in Hollywood
“The person that's always talkin', you don't have to worry about that person. The person that while you're in his face, he's just lookin' at you with a smile on his face, that's the guy you worry about.”