Robert Mitchum Quote
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“There's one wonderful thing about this business. You're privileged to meet some great people. There's a bond of sincere commiseration. The stuffed shirts form a fence behind which the others can get and tell naughty stories.”
talking about the business of acting
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Actors' Thoughts
Relationships in Hollywood
5/22/18 at 4:31 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 3
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Relationships in Hollywood
5/22/18 at 4:31 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 3
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Comments on this quote
Other languages for this quoteLa cosa grandiosa di questo business è che hai il privilegio di conoscere persone importanti con cui si crea un legame di sincera commiserazione. I palloni gonfiati si mettono in fila e formano una staccionata vicino a cui le persone possono fermarsi per raccontarsi storielle scandalose.
- La trovi in Reputation and Popularity
“I think any movie star who refuses autographs has a hell of a nerve.”
- La trovi in Gossip
“I didn't think I had too many friends left in Hollywood. Gossip about Gary and me was being whispered all over town. No official Cooper separation had been declared and no one wanted to be on the wrong side when the lines were finally drawn. I was no longer the young darling of Hollywood.”
- La trovi in Gossip
“The paparazzi, they're the worst! They literally want the worst to happen to you — they want to live off your tragedy, your accident, your suicide, your death, even.”
- La trovi in Gossip
“There are these irresponsible people who sell addresses. You can buy a magazine today — I'd like to go and shoot these people myself! — with celebrities' home addresses in it. It's a scary world.”
- From the movie: Interview
“- Pierre Peders: I don't fuck celebrities.
- Katya: Well, I don't fuck nobodies.”