Brooke Shields Quote
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“Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life.”
During an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign.
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4/1/12 at 1:08 AM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 121
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Other languages for this quoteIl fumo uccide, e se tu sei ucciso, hai perso una parte molto importante della tua vita.
- From the movie: Saved!
- From the movie: Diabolique
“- Leo Katzman: Second-hand smoke kills, you know.
- Nicole Horner: Not reliably.” - From the movie: Drop Dead Gorgeous
“I am reaching the point where I would kill someone for the nicotine under their fingernails.”
- From the movie: Romy and Michele's High School Reunion
“- Romy White: Heather, um, has anyone ever told you that smoking can kill you?
- Heather Mooney: No. No one. Thank you.” - From the movie: Midnight Run
“- Jonathan Mardukas: Come on, cigarettes are killers.
- Jack Walsh: So are women.”