Shirley MacLaine Quote
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“When I see the amount of money flung into that cauldron called Hollywood, I feel not one ounce of guilt about what I get.”
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Money and Actors
9/4/18 at 1:29 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 121
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Money and Actors
9/4/18 at 1:29 PM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 121
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Comments on this quote
Other languages for this quoteQuando vedo la quantità di soldi che viene gettata in quel calderone di nome Hollywood non mi sento affatto in colpa per i soldi che guadagno.
- La trovi in Money and Actors
“Hollywood don't always pay a lot of money. Because we're English they think we're cheap!”
- La trovi in Money and Actors
“Why is there so much month left at the end of the money?”
- La trovi in Money and Actors
“I work for money. It's the American way.”
- La trovi in Money and Actors