“Somewhere between five hundred and a thousand songs. Right in your pocket. Because I can't stand looking at that ridiculous Walkman anymore. You're carrying around a brick playing a cassette tape. We're not savages.”
talking about creating a smaller portable device to play music
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(Steve Jobs)
1/21/19 at 2:41 AM Average ratingexcellent

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1/21/19 at 2:41 AM Average ratingexcellent

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Comments on this quote
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- Ted: Do you know when the Mongols ruled China?
- Rufus: Well... Perhaps we can ask them.” - From the movie: Syriana
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“- Laforgue: What can we say to people who think that dreams are the real world; this one is an illusion. Perhaps they're right.
- Daniel: Farewell, Father Laforgue.
- Laforgue: No farewells. Not in this land. And no greetings, no names. The forests speak. The dead talk at night. God bless you both.”