“The Vietnamese... we worked with them, made something, something out of nothing... we want to stay here because it's ours, it belongs to us. It keeps our family together. I mean, we fought for that. While you Americans... you are fighting for the biggest nothing in history!”
he's French
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(Apocalypse Now)
9/8/17 at 8:49 AM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 36
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9/8/17 at 8:49 AM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 36
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Comments on this quote
Similar quotes- From the movie: Behind Enemy Lines
Americans, all you care about is your own damn pilots! What happens when the fighting starts again? Will America recommit its forces to stop a major war? No, you don't have any control over that little detail, do you? You might have helped save your man today, Reigart, and I emphasize "might", but you risk the lives of thousands tomorrow.
- From the movie: Behind Enemy Lines
“We're on another useless joyride at the cost of mere millions to the US taxpayer.”
- From the movie: Three Kings
“Bush told the people to rise up against Saddam. They thought they'd have our support. They don't. Now they're getting slaughtered.”
- From the movie: A Fish Called Wanda
If it wasn't for us, you'd all be speaking German! Singing "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles".
- From the movie: Once Upon a Crime