“Those stupid bastards are taking polydichloric euthimal! It's an amphetamine. Strongest thing you ever saw. Makes you feel wonderful. Makes you do ten hours work in six hours, that kind of nonsense. Especially manual labor. It makes you work like a horse. The army tested it a few years ago. It made the men work alright... then it made them psychotic. It takes a while, ten maybe eleven months... and then it fries your brain.”
talking to O'Niel
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9/3/98 at 5:48 AM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 185
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9/3/98 at 5:48 AM Average ratingVote hereCuriosities 185
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Similar quotes- From the movie: Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
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- Freddy Krueger: Yeah! What are you on? Looks like a frying pan and some eggs to me.” - From the movie: Lean on Me
“It kill your brain cells, son. It kill your brain cells! Now when you're destroying your brain cells, your doing the same thing as killing yourself. You just doing it slower! Now, I say, if wanna kill yourself, don't fuck around with it. Go on and do it expeditiously!”
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- Toddster: Dude, my brain!
- Mysterious Woman: And this is your brain on drugs!” - From the movie: Cobain: Montage of Heck
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“A bit of morning cocaine always helps the brain.”