  • “You know these things are made of metal, right? Did you ever try and pick one up? You can't. You know why? Because it's made of metal, and metal's heavy. Very heavy. You don't believe me? Just try and pick one of these things up. You'll see. You'll wrench your back, that's what you'll do. Air isn't heavy, you know? This pile of junk is heavy. It's heavier than air. Much heavier. Don't you see? This thing is not supposed to be up in the air. Oh, Jesus, I hate these things!”

    over the plane's intercom as Halloran taxis their B-25 for take off

    Richard Masur - 2nd Lieut. Jerry Cimino
Quote details Movie (Hanover Street)

7/12/08 at 6:12 PM
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