“- Cho Osaki: I told you not to fight. - Grandmother: Do not yell at him. He did no wrong. - Cho Osaki: I did not bring him here to America to fight in the streets with fools.”
Shô Kosugi - Cho Osaki
Grace Oshita - Grandmother Osaki
“Of course we've been fighting against stereotypes from Day One at EastWest. That's the reason we formed: to combat that, and to show we are capable of more than just fulfilling the stereotypes - waiter, laundryman, gardener, martial artist, villain.”
“When you start killing for a dream, you usually end up killing the dream too. That's what hell is, watching your dreams die. Your education will set you free.”
Robert Hooks - King David
“It's easier to shoot a gun than it is to read a book. It's easier to take a man's life than it is to educate him and teach him about life. It's easier to hate than it is to love. The revolution I'm talking about is a revolution of the mind and the spirit. And education, that's the key.”
Robert Hooks - King David
“Education leads to freedom. Education is freedom. Education will teach you how to do it yourself as opposed to asking someone else to do it for you. And around it our own town... Freemanville!”
Robert Hooks - King David