Al Pacino quotes
- From the movie: Scarface
“- Hector the Toad: Where are you from, Tony?
- Tony Montana: What the fuck difference does that make on where I'm from?
- Hector the Toad: Coño, Tony! I'm just asking just so I know who I'm doing business with.
- Tony Montana: Well, you can know about me when you stop fucking around and start doing business with me, Hector!” - From the movie: The Godfather Part III
“I, uh, betrayed my wife. I betrayed myself. I've killed men, and I ordered men to be killed. No, it's useless. I killed... I ordered the death of my brother; he injured me. I killed my mother's son. I killed my father's son.”
- From the movie: ...And Justice for All
- From the movie: The Godfather Part III
“- Michael Corleone: What's wrong with being a lawyer?
- Kay Adams Michelson: Nothing, except he doesn't want it. He loves music he wants his life to be in music.
- Michael Corleone: Well, music is great. I love music but he should finish what he started.” - From the movie: Cruising
“- Patrolman DiSimone: She's not going to make a fool out of me. Takes the kids and goes to Florida to see her sister and leaves me a note. Ten years of marriage down the drain.
- Patrolman Desher: They're all scumbags.
- Patrolman DiSimone: What?
- Patrolman Desher: Women. They're all scumbags.
- Patrolman DiSimone: Who. Which ones?
- Patrolman...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: City Hall
“Be careful how you judge people, most of all friends. You don't sum up a man's life in one moment.”
- From the movie: The Devil's Advocate
“Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition.”
- From the movie: The Insider
“- Mike Wallace: Who are these people?
- Lowell Bergman: Ordinary people under extraordinary pressure, Mike. What the hell do you expect? Grace and consistency?” - From the movie: Scent of a Woman
“The day we stop lookin', Charlie, is the day we die.”
- From the movie: City Hall
“Distance is something you do to your enemies. It's a thing of the nineties, to make friends extinct. Distance... is the absence of menschkeit!”
- From the movie: Donnie Brasco
If I wanna introduce you, I'm gonna say “this is a friend of mine”. That means you're a connected guy. Now, if I said instead “this is a friend of ours” that would mean you a made guy.
- From the movie: ...And Justice for All
“- Arthur Kirkland: Why dont you go flying together with your wife?
- Judge Francis Rayford: The last thing we did together was get married!” - From the movie: Dick Tracy
“- Big Boy Caprice: Welcome to new waters, Dick! We're gonna run one hell of a ship with you aboard. There's a big world out there, and it's up for sale. All of it. All we gotta do is make sure that the people know I'm the one big enough to run it.
- Dick Tracy: And that you are guilty of attempting to bribe an officer of the law.” - From the movie: The Godfather Part III
- From the movie: The Godfather Part III
“It's dangerous to be a honest man.”
- From the movie: The Godfather Part III
“- Michael Corleone: I spent my life protecting my son. I spent my life protecting my family!
- Kay Adams Michelson: Let's be reasonable here, Michael. I mean, that's your big thing, isn't it? Reason backed up by murder.” - From the movie: ...And Justice for All
- From the movie: Scent of a Woman
“- Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Are you blind? Are you blind?
- Charlie Simms: Of course not.
- Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Then why do you keep grabbing my goddamn arm? I take your arm.
- Charlie Simms: I'm sorry.
- Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Don't be sorry. How would you know? You've been watching MTV all your life.” - From the movie: Frankie and Johnny
Now, there's a man and a woman. He's a cook. She's a waitress. Now, they meet and they don't connect. Only, she noticed him. He could feel it. And he noticed her. And they both knew it was going to happen. They made love, and for maybe one whole night, they forgot the 10 million things that make people think “I don't love this person”, “I don't... (continue)(continue reading)
- From the movie: Carlito's Way
“There ain't no friends in this shit business.”
- From the movie: ...And Justice for All
“- Arthur Kirkland: Why do we have to use microphones? Why can't we just talk to each other? We're close enough.
- Assistant D.A. Keene: This is a hearing, Mr. Kirkland.” - From the movie: The Godfather Part III
- From the movie: The Godfather
“- Michael Corleone: Who are you?
- Enzo the Baker: I am Enzo. The baker. Do you remember me?
- Michael Corleone: Enzo...
- Enzo the Baker: Yes, Enzo.
- Michael Corleone: You better get out of here, Enzo, there's gonna be trouble.
- Enzo the Baker: If there is trouble, I stay here to help you. For your father. For your father.”