Chris Lloyd movie quotes

Chris Lloyd movie quotes, phrases and lines
104 in english
Chris Lloyd quotes
  • “Marty, be careful around that Griff character. He's got a few short circuits in his bionic implants.”
    Chris Lloyd - Dr. Emmett Brown
    [Tag:advice, character]
  • “You dare to banish the great Rasputin? By the unholy powers vested in me, I banish you, with a curse! Mark my words: you and your family will die within a fortnight! I will not rest until I see the end of the Romanov line forever!”
    Chris Lloyd - Rasputin
    [Tag:curse, death]
  • “- Professor Plum: What are you afraid of, a fate worse than death?
    - Mrs. Peacock: No, just death, isn't that enough?”

    Chris Lloyd - Professor Plum
    Eileen Brennan - Mrs. Peacock
    [Tag:death, fear]
  • “- Rasputin: I will kill her. Crush her at the height of her glory.
    - Bartok: And we're back to the crushing. Sir, I'm begging you, please, please forget the girl and get a life!
    - Rasputin: Oh, I'll get a life, Bartok. Hers!”

    Chris Lloyd - Rasputin
    Hank Azaria - Bartok