Gabriel Byrne quotes
- From the movie: Little Women
“You must write from life, from the depths of your soul!”
- From the movie: The Man in the Iron Mask
“- King Louis: You think my affairs are empty...
- D'Artagnan: I think that it is possible for one man to love one woman all his life and be the better for it, yes.” - From the movie: Cool World
- From the movie: Enemy of the State
“In the old days, we actually had to tap a wire into your phone line. Now with calls bouncing off satellites, they snatch'em right out of the air.”
- From the movie: Miller's Crossing
“- Verna: What're you chewin' over?
- Tom Reagan: Dream I had once. I was walkin' in the woods, I don't know why. Wind came up and blew me hat off.
- Verna: And you chased it, right? You ran and ran, finally caught up to it and you picked it up. But it wasn't a hat anymore and it changed into something else, something wonderful.
- Tom Reagan: Nah...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: The Man in the Iron Mask
“- King Louis: I hear there was an incident at the Musketeers' gate, where a man came intent on killing me. Is it our policy now to let would-be assassins go free, d'Artagnan?
- D'Artagnan: He wished to kill his own pain. His son is dead. I can think of nothing worse.
- King Louis: What about losing your king?
- D'Artagnan: That depends on the king.” - From the movie: Quest for Camelot
- From the movie: Enemy of the State
“- Robert Clayton Dean: What the hell is happening?
- Brill: I blew up the building.
- Robert Clayton Dean: Why?
- Brill: Because you made a phone call.” - From the movie: Miller's Crossing
- From the movie: The Man in the Iron Mask
“- D'Artagnan: Anne, I know that to love you is a treason against France, but not to love you is a treason against my heart.
- Queen Anne: Then we will both die traitors, D'Artagnan.” - From the movie: Miller's Crossing
- From the movie: Miller's Crossing
“- Bernie Bernbaum: Look in your heart! Look in your heart!
- Tom Reagan: What heart?” - From the movie: Miller's Crossing
- From the movie: Miller's Crossing
- Leo: Seein' you mope around here ruins my, whaddya call it, "joy de veever"?
- Tom Reagan: "Joie de vivre". - From the movie: Enemy of the State
“- Brill: You're blowing my whole life.
- Robert Clayton Dean: What life? You live in a fucking jar so the world can't touch you.” - From the movie: Enemy of the State
“- Brill: In guerrilla warfare, you try to use your weaknesses as strengths.
- Robert Clayton Dean: Such as?
- Brill: Well, if they're big and you're small, then you're mobile and they're slow. You're hidden and they're exposed. You only fight battles you know you can win. That's the way the Vietcong did it. You capture their weapons and you use...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: The Last of the High Kings
“Frankie! There's special instructions for feedin' that fish! You can't over-feed him, or, or he'll burst!”
- From the movie: The Keep
I will tell you something, if you allow me. The people that go to these "assessment camps"... There are only two doors. One in and one out. The one out is a chimney. You better find a way to be of use to me in three days. Three days. Or back to the camps go you... and your daughter.
- From the movie: Miller's Crossing
“- Verna: Shouldn't you be doing your job?
- Tom Reagan: Intimidating helpless women is my job.
- Verna: Then go find one, and intimidate her.” - From the movie: Mad Dog Time
“Nitroglicerine my ass. Those are tic tacs.”
- From the movie: Hello Again
“Are you trying to get me to fall in love with the dog... and then with you?”
- From the movie: Miller's Crossing
“- Verna: You think you've raised hell.
- Tom Reagan: Sister, when I've raised hell, you'll know it!” - From the movie: Little Women
“- Friedrich Bhaer: You do not take wine?
- Jo March: Only medicinally.
- Friedrich Bhaer: Pretend you've got a cold.”