Gary Busey movie quotes

Immagine di Gary Busey
Identikit and personal data
William Gareth Jacob
Last name
Busey senior
Gary Busey
June 29, 1944
North American
Zodiac sign
Gary Busey movie quotes, phrases and lines
46 in english
Gary Busey quotes
  • “- Gen. Joseph 'Fighting Joe' Wheeler: You stole this hog!
    - Eli: We caught the gator and the snake.
    - Gen. Joseph 'Fighting Joe' Wheeler: Snake?
    - Eli: Footless animal stew, sir.”

    Gary Busey - Gen. Joseph Wheeler
    Geoffrey Lewis - Eli
    [Tag:animals, food]
  • “I don't work January the 8th, 'cause it's Elvis' birthday.”
    Gary Busey - Dell
    [Tag:birthday, working]
  • “- William Strannix: These things are gonna sell like hotcakes!
    - Commander Krill: Absolutely.
    - William Strannix: What are you gonna do when you get two hundred million dollars in the bank?
    - Commander Krill: Buy the presidency!”

    Tommy Lee Jones - William Strannix
    Gary Busey - Commander Krill
  • “- DEA Agent Deets: You think I like this hair, man! You think I like these clothes? My wife wants me to stay at Ramanda! I've been working on these fuckers for three months! Three months! Now I finally got them to play wheel of fortune with me so I could find out who their suppliers is. Then you fuckin' cowboys show up!
    - Pappas: Nice tattoo,...” (continue)
    (continue reading)

    Tom Sizemore - DEA Agent Deets
    Gary Busey - Pappas
    [Tag:anger, insult, sarcasm]
  • “Why are women so uptight? They've got half the money and all the pussy.”
    Gary Busey - Dell
    [Tag:money, women]
  • “I'm so hungry I could eat the ass end out of a dead rhino, I should have had you get me three of these things!”

    Gary Busey - Pappas
    [Tag:food, hunger, regret]
  • “- Pappas: Don't ride him in with the black and whites like some punk, let me ride him in.
    - Ben Harp: Yeah sure, Angelo, why not? That is why I put you 2 screw-ups to begin with. You deserve each other, don't you? You're just as bad as he is, though you're a little fatter, a little slower and a little more pathetic. For Christ sake, it's like...” (continue)
    (continue reading)

    Gary Busey - Pappas
    John C. McGinley - Ben Harp
  • “- Karl Westover: I killed a fella back in Texas. A big damn fella too.
    - Barbarosa: Well, old Sam Colt makes everybody just about the same size.
    - Karl Westover: I didn't shoot him. I hit him with a tree limb.”

    Gary Busey - Karl Westover
    Willie Nelson - Barbarosa
    [Tag:killing, weapons]
  • “Between you and me, let me tell you somethin'. Don't ever put a woman up on a pedestal. Cuz it'll just give her a chance to kick your teeth right down your throat.”

    Gary Busey - The Ballplayer
  • “- Karl Westover: Are you all right?
    - Barbarosa: No, I ain't all right! Do I look all right?
    - Karl Westover: Well, you look better than you did when you was at the bottom of that grave.”

    Gary Busey - Karl Westover
    Willie Nelson - Barbarosa
    [Tag:appearance, grave]
  • “- FBI Chief: Did Albert ever discuss his political convictions with you?
    - Dell: Albert don't have no political convictions. He's an American!”

    Newt Arnold - FBI Chief
    Gary Busey - Dell
  • “- Doc Hawkins: You are missing the best part, Mr. Mason. When you're eating the flesh of the pig... look into his little beady eyes. That way you will be devouring his soul.
    - Burns: Doc, sometimes you even scare me!”

    Gary Busey - Doc Hawkins
    Rutger Hauer - Thomas Burns
    [Tag:animals, eating, soul]
  • “- Joshua: Yeah. Our problem, and yours too, is we have a shipment of merchandise to deliver.
    - Martin Riggs (Lethal Weapon): Why don't you guys just call it heroin?
    - Joshua: It's rather large, this shipment. It would be unfortunate, however, if we showed up to deliver our heroin, and were surrounded by fifty cops.”

    Gary Busey - Joshua
    Mel Gibson - Martin Riggs
  • “- Maria Elena Santiago: Te quiero.
    - Charles Hardin 'Buddy' Holly: Eh?
    - Maria Elena Santiago: Did you hear me?
    - Charles Hardin 'Buddy' Holly: No.
    - Maria Elena Santiago: I said 'Te quiero'.
    - Charles Hardin 'Buddy' Holly: Te quiero?
    - Maria Elena Santiago: Porque tu tienes la maneras del amor verdadero.
    - Charles Hardin 'Buddy' Holly: What...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Maria Richwine - Maria Elena Santiago
    Gary Busey - Charles Hardin 'Buddy' Holly
    [Tag:attitude, love]
  • “- Uncle Red: Where's your Mom?
    - Marty Coslaw: She and Dad are out back lighting the barbeque, yeah, and Jane's walking around in all these new clothes showing off her tits, acting like no one ever had tits before her.”

    Gary Busey - Uncle Red
    Corey Haim - Marty Coslaw
  • “- Rubrick: I think we have to assume that the missing men are down.
    - Church: Well, maybe you should have made them smart instead of fast.”

    Mark Bringelson - Rubrick
    Gary Busey - Church
  • “Bruce Lee ain't dead you know. They got him krytonized down in Chatsworth, he's jammed in a silo and he's frozen hard as a carp. And they're gonna melt him down as soon as the economy gets better.”
    Gary Busey - Dell
    [Tag:actors, economy]
  • “- Joshua: Why don't you save your strength? You're gonna need it.
    - Martin Riggs (Lethal Weapon): Who's the chin?
    - Joshua: Endo, meet Mr. Martin Riggs. Endo here has forgotten more about dispensing pain than you and I will ever know.”

    Gary Busey - Joshua
    Mel Gibson - Martin Riggs
  • “Grab a seat. Enjoy the show. This is history.”
    Gary Busey - Peter Keyes
  • “You big ugly piece of… shit!”
    Gary Busey - Chet Steadman
  • “Speak into the microphone, squid brain!”

    Gary Busey - Pappas