Gary Busey quotes
- From the TV Series: Rough Riders
“- Gen. Joseph 'Fighting Joe' Wheeler: You stole this hog!
- Eli: We caught the gator and the snake.
- Gen. Joseph 'Fighting Joe' Wheeler: Snake?
- Eli: Footless animal stew, sir.” - From the movie: D.C. Cab
“I don't work January the 8th, 'cause it's Elvis' birthday.”
- From the movie: Under Siege
“- William Strannix: These things are gonna sell like hotcakes!
- Commander Krill: Absolutely.
- William Strannix: What are you gonna do when you get two hundred million dollars in the bank?
- Commander Krill: Buy the presidency!” - From the movie: Point Break
“- DEA Agent Deets: You think I like this hair, man! You think I like these clothes? My wife wants me to stay at Ramanda! I've been working on these fuckers for three months! Three months! Now I finally got them to play wheel of fortune with me so I could find out who their suppliers is. Then you fuckin' cowboys show up!
- Pappas: Nice tattoo,...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: D.C. Cab
“Why are women so uptight? They've got half the money and all the pussy.”
- From the movie: Point Break
“I'm so hungry I could eat the ass end out of a dead rhino, I should have had you get me three of these things!”
- From the movie: Point Break
“- Pappas: Don't ride him in with the black and whites like some punk, let me ride him in.
- Ben Harp: Yeah sure, Angelo, why not? That is why I put you 2 screw-ups to begin with. You deserve each other, don't you? You're just as bad as he is, though you're a little fatter, a little slower and a little more pathetic. For Christ sake, it's like...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Barbarosa
“- Karl Westover: I killed a fella back in Texas. A big damn fella too.
- Barbarosa: Well, old Sam Colt makes everybody just about the same size.
- Karl Westover: I didn't shoot him. I hit him with a tree limb.” - From the movie: Insignificance
“Between you and me, let me tell you somethin'. Don't ever put a woman up on a pedestal. Cuz it'll just give her a chance to kick your teeth right down your throat.”
- From the movie: Barbarosa
“- Karl Westover: Are you all right?
- Barbarosa: No, I ain't all right! Do I look all right?
- Karl Westover: Well, you look better than you did when you was at the bottom of that grave.” - From the movie: D.C. Cab
- From the movie: Surviving the Game
“- Doc Hawkins: You are missing the best part, Mr. Mason. When you're eating the flesh of the pig... look into his little beady eyes. That way you will be devouring his soul.
- Burns: Doc, sometimes you even scare me!” - From the movie: Lethal Weapon
“- Joshua: Yeah. Our problem, and yours too, is we have a shipment of merchandise to deliver.
- Martin Riggs (Lethal Weapon): Why don't you guys just call it heroin?
- Joshua: It's rather large, this shipment. It would be unfortunate, however, if we showed up to deliver our heroin, and were surrounded by fifty cops.” - From the movie: The Buddy Holly Story
“- Maria Elena Santiago: Te quiero.
- Charles Hardin 'Buddy' Holly: Eh?
- Maria Elena Santiago: Did you hear me?
- Charles Hardin 'Buddy' Holly: No.
- Maria Elena Santiago: I said 'Te quiero'.
- Charles Hardin 'Buddy' Holly: Te quiero?
- Maria Elena Santiago: Porque tu tienes la maneras del amor verdadero.
- Charles Hardin 'Buddy' Holly: What...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Silver Bullet
- From the movie: Soldier
“- Rubrick: I think we have to assume that the missing men are down.
- Church: Well, maybe you should have made them smart instead of fast.” - From the movie: D.C. Cab
“Bruce Lee ain't dead you know. They got him krytonized down in Chatsworth, he's jammed in a silo and he's frozen hard as a carp. And they're gonna melt him down as soon as the economy gets better.”
- From the movie: Lethal Weapon
- From the movie: Predator 2
“Grab a seat. Enjoy the show. This is history.”
- From the movie: Rookie of the Year
“You big ugly piece of… shit!”
- From the movie: Point Break
“Speak into the microphone, squid brain!”