Gene Kelly movie quotes

Immagine di Gene Kelly
Identikit and personal data
Eugene Curran
Last name
Gene Kelly
August 23, 1912
February 2, 1996
North American
dancer, actor, singer, film director, film producer, choreographer
Zodiac sign
Gene Kelly movie quotes, phrases and lines
34 in english
Gene Kelly quotes
  • “If I'm sorry nothing came of it, I'm a liar. If I'm glad, I'm a heel. Where do we go from here?”
    Gene Kelly - Danny McGuire
  • “- Danny McGuire: A bandstand. Right over there in that corner. And a big band, like in the 40's.
    - Sonny: Nah, nah, nah. Bandstands went out with running boards. Over there. A great rock 'n' roll band. This is the 80's!
    - Danny McGuire: Real smooth dancers... wild trombone... the band decked out in tuxedos.
    - Sonny: Six guys wearing electric...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Gene Kelly - Danny McGuire
    Michael Beck - Sonny Malone
    [Tag:modernity, music, past]
  • “- Danny McGuire: Kira, I want you to promise me one thing.
    - Kira: Anything!
    - Danny McGuire: On opening night, I get the first dance.
    - Kira: Okay.
    - Sonny: You're gonna dance?
    - Danny McGuire: Oh, I've been known to twinkle a toe or two.”

    Gene Kelly - Danny McGuire
    Olivia Newton-Jonn - Kira
    Michael Beck - Sonny Malone
    [Tag:ability, dancing]
  • “- Sonny: Hey mister, what are you doing up there?
    - Danny McGuire: Hope you don't mind a little noon-time music, kid. A little lunch time serenade.
    - Sonny: Oh, I don't mind. It's kinda nice. But I was just wondering where they laid out the body. I mean, you got something a little more upbeat?”

    Michael Beck - Sonny Malone
    Gene Kelly - Danny McGuire
    [Tag:music, playing]
  • “- Kira: I'm Kira.
    - Danny McGuire: Yes, Kira. But...
    - Kira: But?
    - Danny McGuire: Don't I know you?
    - Kira: I don't think so.
    - Danny McGuire: Are you sure? Because...
    - Kira: Because?
    - Danny McGuire: Never mind.”

    Olivia Newton-Jonn - Kira
    Gene Kelly - Danny McGuire
  • “- Alec Howe: You're human aren't you?
    - May Daly: I hope not!”

    Gene Kelly - Alec Howe
    Lucille Desiree Ball - May Daly
  • “You know, I used to be in the music business, but now I'm what you might call retired. It's a refined name for bum.”
    Gene Kelly - Danny McGuire
    [Tag:music, retirement]
  • “Be brave, my friend, you're dying for your country.”

    Gene Kelly - Black Arrow
  • “- Alec Howe: Isn't she wonderful?
    - Taliostra: What's so wonderful about her? Take away her eyes, her nose, her lips, and what have you got? A blank expression.”

    Gene Kelly - Alec Howe
    Zero Mostel - Taliostra