Jamie Foxx quotes
- From the movie: Collateral
“- Max: Why didn't you just kill me and get another cab driver?
- Vincent: Cause you're good. We're in this together. Fates intertwined. Cosmic coincidence.” - From the movie: Jarhead
- From the movie: Jarhead
“You laugh, you die. Scratch your nose, you die. You shift your weight to take a piss, you will die. You want to shit, you better shit in your pants.”
- From the movie: Ray
“- Gossie McKee: You need watchin' out for and he ain't got the time to look after you the way I been lookin' after you.
- Ray Charles: Is that what you been doing, Gossie, watchin' out for me? Is that why you get paid double what I do?
- Gossie McKee: Who told you that?
- Ray Charles: Well, it's true, ain't it. You and Marlene been gamin' me...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Ray
- From the movie: Collateral
“- Vincent: 17 million people. This was a country, it'd be the fifth biggest economy in the world and nobody knows each other. I read about this guy, gets on the MTA here, dies.
- Max: Oh.
- Vincent: Six hours he's riding the subway before anybody notices his corpse doing laps around L.A., people on and off sitting next to him. Nobody notices.” - From the movie: Ali
- From the movie: Ray
- From the movie: Ali
“- Reporter: You think it's about time for a hairpiece?
- Drew 'Bundini' Brown: What you talking 'bout a hairpiece for? You already done lost all your hair, you cueball headed motherfucker.” - From the movie: The Players Club
- From the movie: The Players Club
“- Blue: I just don't understand exactly why you're charging me twenty percent interest on the money that you loaned me, when you already taking thirty percent out of my check.
- Dollar Bill: Welcome to the strippin' game, partner. Blue, you ain't nothin'. All you do is spin records, that's all you do. Who'd you think you are, DJ Quick? Kid...” (continue)(continue reading)