Katherine Heigl quotes
- From the movie: 27 Dresses
- From the movie: 27 Dresses
- From the movie: One for the Money
“There's some men who enter into a woman's life and screw it up forever. Joe Morelli did this to me. He was the big catch in our neighborhood, and I thought I caught him when I gave him my virginity on the floor of the Tasty Pastry Bakery I worked at when I was 17. Unfortunately for me, he never called after. Unfortunately for him, I hold a grudge.”
- From the movie: 27 Dresses
- From the movie: The Ugly Truth
“You think you know what men are going to do. You think you know what men want to do, but when it comes right down to that moment where they need to step up and, make a move, they chicken out.”
- From the movie: One for the Money
“- Ranger: So what is it with you two?
- Stephanie Plum: Nothing. Sold him a cannoli in high school.
- Waitress: Honey, half the women in Jersey sold Joe Morelli their cannoli.” - From the movie: 27 Dresses
“- Jane: I think you should just admit that you're a big softy, that this whole cynical thing is just an act so that you can seem wounded and mysterious and sexy...
- Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What was the last one?” - From the movie: The Ugly Truth
- Abby: Don't fall in love. It's scary.
- Mike Chadway: Yeah, it is scary. It's terrifying. Especially when I'm in love with a psycho like you.
- Abby: I am not a psycho!
- Mike Chadway: I just told you that I loved you and all you heard was "psycho". Well, you're the definition of neurotic. - From the movie: 27 Dresses
“- Jane: How refreshing! A man who doesn't believe in marriage.
- Kevin: I'm just trying to point out the hypocrisy of the spectacle.
- Jane: Oh! That's so noble of you. Do you also go around telling small children that Santa Claus doesn't exist? 'Cause someone needs to blow that shit wide open.
- Kevin: A-ha! So you admit that believe in...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: One for the Money
“- Ranger: Are you in danger?
- Stephanie Plum: Not exactly. Kind of.
- Ranger: I'm busy.
- Stephanie Plum: I'm naked.
- Ranger: I'll be right there.” - From the movie: The Killers
“I'm going to be a mother, and I don't know if your ready to be a father.”
- From the movie: One for the Money
“- Joe Morelli: Oh, Jesus, Stephanie Plum. What the hell?
- Stephanie Plum: Wow, still charming.
- Joe Morelli: Oh, says the girl who ran me over with her car.
- Stephanie Plum: That was an accident, my foot slipped.
- Joe Morelli: Accident, my ass. You jumped the goddamn curb and broke my leg in three different places. I think of you every time...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: The Ugly Truth
- Mike Chadway: Never talk about your problems 'cause men don't really listen or care.
- Abby: Some men care!
- Mike Chadway: No, some men pretend to care. When we ask how you're doing, it's just guy code for "let me stick my dick in your ass". - From the movie: 27 Dresses
- From the movie: My Father the Hero
“- Andre: My daughter tells some stranger that her father is her, her...
- Nicole: Lover...
- Andre: Oh, God! I hate that word. It's so... so graphic. Who else thinks this?
- Nicole: A few of the other people.
- Andre: How many of them?
- Nicole: All of them.
- Andre: All of them! Incroyable! I've been walking around here with you the past few...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: Knocked Up
“- Ben Stone: Do you want to do it doggie style?
- Alison Scott: You're not going to fuck me like a dog.
- Ben Stone: It's doggie style. It's just the style. We don't have to go outside or anything.” - From the movie: Wish Upon a Star
“- Alexia: Don't you guys ever get tired of acting like snobs?
- Kazumi: Alex, we're seniors. We're supposed to live it up, we have parties, we use little weaklings like Caitlin.” - From the movie: Knocked Up
- From the movie: The Ugly Truth
“- Mike Chadway: Abby, you're a very attractive woman, but you're completely inaccessible. You're all about comfort and efficiency!
- Abby: What's wrong with comfort and efficiency?
- Mike Chadway: Well nothing, except no one wants to fuck it.” - From the movie: 27 Dresses
- From the movie: 27 Dresses
“- Jane: George appreciates me for who I am!
- Casey: What good is it being appreciated if no one is naked?” - From the movie: Bride of Chucky
- From the movie: My Father the Hero
- From the movie: That Night
“- Kathryn: Ugh, it's the loonhead from the Strike 'n' Spare.
- Barbara: He's kinda cute... for a greaser.” - From the movie: My Father the Hero
“- Nicole: You know, one these days I'm leaving and I'm never coming back.
- Megan: Fine. Go live with you father.
- Nicole: Oh, you're such a bitch.”