Nick Nolte quotes
- From the movie: Mulholland Falls
“- Hoover: Why do you eat while you're working? Why do you eat all the time?
- Coolidge: It's all psychological, Max. I eat so I don't think about food.” - From the movie: Grace Quigley
“Truth is, all my life I've really always been very shy around people. I guess I try to make up for that by making as many friends as I could.”
- From the movie: Farewell to the King
“- Botanist: If you were a communist how could you be king?
- Learoyd: Only a communist would think of it.” - From the movie: Farewell to the King
- From the movie: Mulholland Falls
“The only thing that'll protect you is if I can't find you. And I already found you.”
- From the movie: Under Fire
- Interrogating Officer: Before you go, there are some papers you will sign.
- Russell Price: What papers?
- Interrogating Officer: Your "visitation papers", Mr. Price. You were not arrested, you just came to visit. In case your embassy asks. You want your passport back, yes? - From the movie: The Prince of Tides
“Women are more devious than men. You're great at hiding things. You keep secrets. You smile when you lie. You expect a man to be a tower of strength. When he's got a few weaknesses and insecurities, what do you do? You turn around, and goddamn it, you betray him!”
- From the movie: 48 Hrs.
- From the movie: The Hulk
“- Betty Ross: All you've given Bruce is fear. Fear of life.
- Father: Fear. Perhaps, Miss Ross. And loneliness, too. Yes. I feel them both.” - From the movie: Q & A
- From the movie: Farewell to the King
- From the movie: Mulholland Falls
“We go where the case takes us.”
- From the movie: The Prince of Tides
“Hell, Lowenstein! She made a schizophrenic! My mother should have raised cobras, not children!”
- From the movie: Another 48 Hrs.
- From the movie: Mulholland Falls
“- General Timms: What do you see?
- Hoover: People dead before their time.” - From the movie: Who'll Stop the Rain
“- John Converse: Don't they say this is where everybody finds out who they are?
- Ray Hicks: Yeah? What a bummer for the gooks.” - From the movie: Farewell to the King
“I have a special relationship with the spirits. I died once. I had to. I had to give up everything, even the will to live.”
- From the movie: I'll Do Anything
“- Matt Hobbs: Washington? Washington, boy, that must have been a big adjustment.
- Nan Mulhanney: It wasn't that bad. Both places have a lot in common: Over-privileged people, crazed by their fear of losing their privileges. Alcoholism. Addiction. Betrayal. The near total degradation of what once were grand motives. The same spiritual...” (continue)(continue reading) - From the movie: New York Stories
“It's art. You give it up, you were never an artist in the first place.”
- From the movie: Who'll Stop the Rain
- From the movie: Grace Quigley
“- Mr. Harvey Jenkins: After this party, I could never face my friends again if I were alive.
- Seymour Flint: Why would a man like you, with all these friends, want to get himself killed?” - From the movie: Nightwatch
- From the movie: Jefferson in Paris
“I love the lady and will continue to love her forever. If she were on one side of the globe and I on the other, I would pierce through the whole mass of the world to reach her.”
- From the movie: North Dallas Forty
“- Conrad Hunter: There's one thing I learned early on in life. The most important thing a man can have.
- Phillip Elliott: What's that, money?
- Conrad Hunter: Luck. Luck tells me something about a man. If my people are lucky, they tap into a big field. If not, they can have every geology degree in the world and drill one dry duster after...” (continue)(continue reading)