“8mm” quotes

Movie 8mm
Joel Schumacher directed this movie in 1999
Title 8mm
Original title 8MM
Year 1999
Director Joel Schumacher
Genre Crime, Thriller, Mystery
Plot – Tom Welles is a specialist in what once was called private investigation. His job is far from being fascinating and adventurous. The man has a small office in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and leads a quiet life with his wife Amy and the little Cindy. He's estimated by his colleagues but he's still waiting for the great professional opportunity. Now he deals only with unfaithful wives and uninteresting minor cases, but a murder will upset his life and let him discover how the world around him is obscure and terrifying, from the Hollywood Boulevard sordid sidewalks to the New York squalid slaughterhouses neighborhood.
All actors – Nicolas Cage, Joaquin Phoenix, James Gandolfini, Peter Stormare, Anthony Heald, Chris Bauer, Catherine Keener, Myra Carter, Amy Morton, Jenny Powell, Anne Gee Byrd, Jack Betts, Luis Oropeza, Rachel Singer, Don Creech, Norman Reedus, Fran Bennett, Wilma Bonet, Luis Saguar, Walter K. Jordan, Norm Compton, Brian Keith Russell, John Robb, Devan Brown, Doris Brent, Robert Amico, Kiva Dawson, Eva Minemar, Rachel Wolfe, Suzy Nakamura, Torsten Voges, Tahitia Dean, Terri Laird, Vernon Guichard II, Emily Patrick, Nancy Vee, Lisa Vanasco, Bridgett Vera, Jennifer Harris, Burton Richards, Jovanna Vitiello, David U. Hodges, William Lawrence Mack, Lorena Martinez, Connie Mercurio, William Buck, Kerry Corcoran, Mario Ernesto Sánchez, Claudia Aros, Alba Albanese, Bob Clendenin, Vito D'Amico, Daniel Dehring, Gilley Grey, Jacklyn Lick, Al Quinn, Louis E. Rosas, Kipling Rowe
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