“A Clockwork Orange” quotes

Movie A Clockwork Orange
Stanley Kubrick directed this movie in 1971
Title A Clockwork Orange
Year 1971
Director Stanley Kubrick
Genre Drama, Sci-Fi, Crime
Plot – Alex loves Beethoven's music more than everything. He's the leader of a group of hooligans that commit any kind of violence aroud the city. His friends are irritated by his despotic attitude and finally they knok him out and leave him to the police. Convicted and imprisoned, Alex is offered a chance of freedom but in exchange he has to try an experimental treatment ironically called "Ludovico".
All actors – Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee, Michael Bates, Warren Clarke, John Clive, Adrienne Corri, Carl Duering, Paul Farrell, Clive Francis, Michael Gover, Miriam Karlin, James Marcus, Aubrey Morris, Godfrey Quigley, Sheila Raynor, Madge Ryan, John Savident, Anthony Sharp, Philip Stone, Pauline Taylor, Margaret Tyzack, Steven Berkoff, Lindsay Campbell, Michael Tarn, David Prowse, Barrie Cookson, Jan Adair, Gaye Brown, Peter Burton, John J. Carney, Vivienne Chandler, Richard Connaught, Prudence Drage, Carol Drinkwater, Lee Fox, Cheryl Grunwald, Gillian Hills, Craig Hunter, Shirley Jaffe, Virginia Wetherell, Neil Wilson, Katya Wyeth, Frankie Abbott, Roy Beck, Robert Bruce, Maurice Bush, Steadman Clark, George Coulouris, Jeremy Curry, David Dawkins, Andros Epaminondas, Helen Ford, Norman Gay, Dr. Gundry, Peter Hannon, Margaret Heald, Nicholas Hill, Heinrich Himmler, Adolf Hitler, Fred Hugh, Katharina Kubrick, Viktor Lutze, Olive Mercer, Leslie Nye, George O'Gorman, Nat Pearn, Rex Rashley, Fred Real, Pat Roach, Henry Robert, Billy Russell, Winifred Sabine, Barbara Scott, Shane Shelton, Tom Sye, Arthur Tatler, Alec Wallis, Sister Watkins
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