“A Friend To Die For” quotes
All actors – Kellie Martin, Tori Spelling, James Avery, Eugene Roche, Andy Romano, Margaret Langrick, Marley Shelton, Kathryn Morris, Terry O'Quinn, Valerie Harper, Christa Miller, Brittney Powell
show all“A Friend To Die For” Quotes 8 quotes
“The pressures are intense here. Nobody wants to be a hod carrier at Santa Mira. No. You're supposed to be beautiful and successful and popular and perfect. Well, Angela was none of these things, and her fear of failure eventually became too much for her to handle. It was this fear of public humiliation that led her to kill in the first place.”
“Hi, Monica. We're just feeling out the texture of your prose.”
“Great, Angela, my friend the do-gooder. Honestly, you make me feel like I should go to church and confess or something.”
“- Angela Delvecchio: Sometimes, people who do drugs, they're just... They may be dealing with some kind of problem, and maybe if we talk...
- Alicia: You wanna know what the problem is? You're the problem! You and everyone else. Here you are, pretending you care, pretending you wanna help me, when all your really care about is being popular. You...” (continue)(continue reading)“I've quit the Larks, and next year I'm quitting Santa Mira too. I'm going back to Saint Joe's where you and I had so many wonderful times. I'm going back, and yet I know I can't really go back anymore than you can or any of us can. We can only go forward, and that's what I hope to do... and that's my hope for you, as we both struggle to understand.”
The evidence supports nothing more than the finding of murder in the second degree. I must further observe that we have a kind of "Alice in Wonderland" situation here. The juvenile code dictates a sentence of confinement to the age of 25. The degree - whether it's first or second - is irrelevant. And so I find myself wondering what we have... (continue)(continue reading)