“A Man Escaped” quotes

Movie A Man Escaped
Title A Man Escaped
Original title Un condamné à mort s'est échappé
Year 1956
Director Robert Bresson
Genre Drama
Plot – After being interrogated by the Gestapo, a politician prisoner tries to escape, but gets caught and is left unconscious in a cell. A new cellmate arrives, and the politician thinks he's a spy until the man is sentenced to death. After long days of anguish, the prisoner successfully escapes the prison and regains freedom.
All actors – François Leterrier, Charles Le Clainche, Maurice Beerblock, Roland Monod, Jacques Ertaud, Jean Paul Delhumeau, Roger Treherne, Jean Philippe Delamarre, Jacques Oerlemans, Klaus Detlef Grevenhorst, Leonhard Schmidt, Roger Planchon, , André Collombet, César Gattegno, Max Schoendorff
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  • “Who were we kidding? He certainly did not believe me. As for myself, I was determined to escape at the first opportunity.”

    François Leterrier - Le lieutenant Fontaine
  • “Time to empty our slop pails and run a little water over our faces, then back to our cells for the entire day. With nothing to do, no news and in terrible solitude, we were 100 unfortunates awaiting our fate. I had no illusions about my own. If I could only escape, run away...”

    François Leterrier - Le lieutenant Fontaine
    [Tag:escape, prison]
  • “I laughed nervously which soothed me.”
    François Leterrier - Le lieutenant Fontaine
  • “- Le lieutenant Fontaine: Do you believe in luck?
    - François Jost: I used to. It didn't work out.
    - Le lieutenant Fontaine: Maybe you're the one who blew it.”

    François Leterrier - Le lieutenant Fontaine
    Charles Le Clainche - François Jost
    [Tag:luck, misfortune]
  • “I think my courage abandoned me for a moment and I cried.”
    François Leterrier - Le lieutenant Fontaine
    [Tag:courage, crying, fear]