“A View To A Kill” quotes
Plot – James Bond’s mission is to discover the production of sophisticated microchips from computers similar to the ones realized in the Silicon Valley. The Soviet secret service are interested as well and Bond goes to Paris to meet Max Zorin, a Russian industrialist, pretending to be interested in a horse livestock. In Zorin’s villa, Bond enters the underground lab and finds the needed proofs. His partner is killed by May Day, a ruthless Zorin’s colleague. In reality, Zorin is a KGB agent who wants to betray the Russians and sells them an extraordinary project: a device that provokes an earthquake underneath the Silicon Valley that is able to destroy all the technological machines. Bond enters in Zorin’s headquarters helped by Stacey Sutton, the daughter of the ex-owner of the place. The headquarters flood and Bond makes the device explode outside the mine, but Zorin escapes with Stacey. After a frightful fight, James Bond kills Zorin and saves the girl.
All actors – Roger Moore, Christopher Walken, Tanya Roberts, Grace Jones, Patrick Macnee, Patrick Bauchau, David Yip, Fiona Fullerton, Manning Redwood, Alison Doody, Willoughby Gray, Desmond Llewelyn, Robert Brown, Lois Maxwell, Walter Gotell, Geoffrey Keen, Jean Rougerie, Daniel Benzali, Bogdan Kominowski, Papillon Soo, Mary Stavin, Dominique Risbourg, Carole Ashby, Anthony Chinn, Lucien Jérôme, Joe Flood, Gérard Buhr, Dolph Lundgren, Tony Sibbald, Bill Ackridge, Ron Tarr, Taylor McAuley, Peter Ensor, Seva Novgorodtsev, Sian Adey-Jones, Caroline Hallett, Nike Clark, Paula Thomas, Gloria Douse, Lou-Anne Ronchi, Elke Ritschel, Mayako Torigai, , Maud Adams, Celine Cawley, Helen Clitherow, Tim Condren, Clive Curtis, Deborah Hanna, Kit Hillier, Frank Jakeman, Terri Johns, Haydon-Pearce Josanne, Karen Loughlin, Derek Lyons, Robert Ian Mackenzie, Roland Malet, Norman Mark, Kim Ashfield Norton, Doug Robinson, Terry Sach, Suzanne Saunders, Jane Spencer, Michael G. Wilson, Richard Winter-Stanbridge, Steven Zax
show all“A View To A Kill” Quotes 15 quotes
“- Sir Godfrey Tibbett: Another wealthy owner?
- James Bond: Who knows? But she certainly bear closer inspection.
- Sir Godfrey Tibbett: We're on a mission!
- James Bond: Sir Godfrey, on a mission I am expected to sacrifice myself.”“- May Day: Somebody will take care of you.
- James Bond: Oh, you'll see to that personally, will you?”“- Max Zorin: You lost, 007.
- James Bond: Killing Tibbett was a mistake.
- Max Zorin: Then I'm about to make that same mistake twice.”“- M: May I remind you that this operation was to be conducted discreetly. All it took was six million Francs in damages and penalties for violating most of the Napoleonic Code.
- James Bond: Under the circumstances, sir, I thought it was more important to identify the assassin.”“Gentlemen, for centuries alchemists tried to make gold from base metals. Today, we make microchips from sillicon, which is common sand; but far better than gold. Now, for several years, we had a profitable partnership, you as manufacturers, while I acquired and passed on to you industrial information that made you competitive, successful. We are...” (continue)(continue reading)
“- James Bond: Mortner?
- Chuck Lee: Got a real winner here. His name is actually Hans Glaub, the German pioneer who developed steroids.
- James Bond: That ties him to the horse injection.
- Chuck Lee: During World War II he experimented with steroids on pregnant women in the concentration camps in an attempt to enhance intelligence.”“- Max Zorin: You slept well?
- James Bond: A little restless but I got off eventually.”“- Max Zorin: You amuse me, Mr. Bond.
- James Bond: It's not mutual.”“- Pola Ivanova: Long time no see, James! You haven't changed a bit!
- James Bond: Well, you have. You're even lovelier.”“You will come back to us, comrade. No one ever leaves the KGB.”
“- James Bond: My department knows I'm here. When I don't report they'll retaliate.
- Max Zorin: If you're the best they've got, they're more likely to try and cover up your embarrassing incompetence.”“- James Bond: Was this Mortner, or Glaub, tried by the war crimes commission?
- Chuck Lee: The Russians grabbed him. Set him up in a laboratory. He spent several years developing steroids for their athletes.”“- General Gogol: The order of Lenin, for Comrade Bond. The first ever non-Soviet citizen to receive this award.
- M: I'd thought the KGB would have celebrated if Silicon Valley had been destroyed.
- General Gogol: On the contrary, Admiral, where would Russian research be without it?”