“Across the Universe” quotes
Plot – The love story between Jude and Lucy takes place in the 60s, during the complicated years of the pacific protests, the mental exploration and rock‘n’roll. From the Liverpool’s boatyards to the psychedelic music of the Greenwich Village; from the Detroit’s furious revolts to the war fields in Vietnam, the couple is forced to fight against every hostility to stay together. Jude, Lucy and a small group of friends are dragged into the nonconformist and pacific movements that are about to rise, guided by ‘Doctor Robert’ and ‘Mister Kite’.
All actors – Evan Rachel Wood, Jim Sturgess, Joe Anderson, Dana Fuchs, Martin Luther, T.V. Carpio, Spencer Liff, Lisa Hogg, Nicholas Lumley, Michael Ryan, Angela Mounsey, Erin Elliott, Robert Clohessy, Christopher Tierney, Curtis Holbrook, John Jeffrey Martin, Matt Caplan, Timothy R. Boyce Jr., Aisha De Haas, Leah Hocking, Bill Buell, Ellen Hornberger, Amanda Cole, Danya Taymor, Dylan Baker, Linda Emond, Lynn Cohen, Bill Irwin, Jennifer Van Dyck, Timmy Mitchum, Carol Woods, Elain R. Graham, Orfeh, Antonique Smith, Tracy Nicole Chapman, Yassmin Alers, Deidre Goodwin, Joe Cocker, Jacob Pitts, Staceyann Chin, Jeanine Serralles, Leonard Tucker, Daniel Stewart Sherman, Harry Lennix, Logan Marshall-Green, James Urbaniak, Kathleen Early, Ching Valdes-Aran, Bono, Daniel Ezralow, Kiva Dawson, Halley Wegryn Gross, Luther Creek, Jerzy Gwiazdowski, Arabella Holzbog, Ambrose Martos, Peter Mui, Karine Plantadit-Bageot, Dan Weltner, Christopher Youngsman, Eddie Izzard, Ekaterina Sknarina, Tracy Westmoreland, Ron Cephas Jones, William W. Wilson, Salma Hayek, Luke Cresswell, Jarlath Conroy, Mandy Gonzalez, Destan Owens, Cicily Daniels, Saycon Sengbloh, Sam Kitchin, Chris McGarry, Frank Hopf, 'Cousin Brucie' Morrow, Navarra Novy-Williams, Sarah Jayne Jensen, Michelle Loucadoux, Geoffrey Countryman, Julien Joy, Conrad Korsch, Brian Mckenna, Jack Petruzzelli, Timothy Keiper, Arthur Lewis, Mark Lewis, Bryan Noll, Michael Arenella, Cyro Baptista, Frank Fighera, Ritt Henn, Mark Stewart, Bruce Williamson, Charles Drayton, Thomas Grasso, Joey Sykes, Paul Wallfisch, Caryn Allen, Ronald Blackman, Erik Justin Gaines, Marlene Mason, Tanisha Mason, Cheryl McClurkin, Donald A. McClurkin Sr., Lorna McClurkin, Olivia McClurkin, Terrell Middleton, Jada Scott, Murl Smith, Jor-El Wharton, Devin Wharwood, Alyssa Woodside, Christina Woodside, Marcus Bellamy, Tim Acito, Andrew Asnes, Kevin Aubin, Collin Baja, Michael Balderrama, Charissa Barton, Nicole Berger, Adolpho Blaire, Brian Brooks, Enrique Brown, Shawn Burgess, Ian Carney, Sandy Chase, Ron De Jesus, Jean Emile, Bylly Fagen, Angelo Fraboni, Kathryn Eleni Fraggos, Kurt Froman, Bob Gaynor, Chris Ghelfi, Tyler Gilstrap, Greg Graham, Cody Green, Matthew Hamel, Sean Martin Hingston, Ryan Holly, Dell Howlett, Terace Jones, Dominique Kelley, Ryan E. Kelly, Mari Koda, Jason Lacayo, Abdul Latif, Marty Lawson, Yasmine C. Lee, Brian Letendr, Tiger Martina, Tim McGarrigal, Allie Meixner, Dario Mejia, Angel Morales, Matthew Neff, Leah O'Donnell, Rika Okamoto, Patrick O'Neill, Adesola A. Osakalumi, Denny Paschall, Nathan Peck, Giovanni Perez, Bobby Pestka, Kyle Pleasant, Avery Ragsdale, Desmond Richardson, Samuel Roberts, Alberto Dister Rondon, Natsumi Sakurai, Luis Salgado, Martin Samuel, Marcos Santana, John Selya, Ying-Ying Shiau, Todd Michel Smith, Jonah Spear, Jordan Spencer, Matthew Steffens, Dennis Stowe, Stacey Sund, Lara E. Tinari, Michael Tracy, Andrew Turteltaub, Nicole Wolcott, Wenshuan Yang, Kenneth Ziegler, , Adam Bedri, Françoise Bonnot, Rory Clarke, Jim Ford, Keith Patterson, Carolina Alvarez, Mike Arotsky, Michael Arthur, Jen Arvay, Patrick Arvia, William Atkinson, Jason Audette, Lauren Auricchio, Matthew Backer, Dion Baia, Jennifer Bailenson, Mark A. Bailey, Jordan Bass, David Beck, Aran Bertetto, Delancey Birzin, Michael Biscardi, Randy Blair, Michael Boothroyd, Linda Rivera Bradt, Alexis Brandt, Adrianna Bremont, Tracey Brennan, Brendan Burke, Simone Butler, John Byrne, Kevin Cannon, Alexis Carra, Keith Dennis Chandler, Joey Chanlin, Bill Chemerka, Michael Chenevert, Craig Clary, Angela Cohen, Courtney Lynne Coleman, Marcus Collins, Rick Collum, Laurence Covington, Evan Crothers, Richard Cunningham III, Cris D'Annunzio, Skippy D, Christine Daley, Craig DiFrancia, Momo Dione, Mike Dobbins, Joe Remy Dolinsky, Aristedes Philip DuVal, Nick Ellison, Jonah Falcon, Lisa Marie Farago, James Finelli, Jack Fitz, Louise Flory, Ramon Flowers, Jessica Frank, Edwin Freeman, Dennis Jay Funny, Marc Furstenberg, Samantha Futerman, Shane Geraghty, Ryan Lee Gilbert, Gregory Guy Gorden, Phillip James Griffith, Charlie Griffiths, Shevy Gutierrez, Kristen Haakerud, Ryanne Harms, Ben Hauck, Abigail Hawk, Jeffrey C. Hawkins, Zeke Hawkins, Paul Hayes, Chivonne Hill, Brian Hoover, Alex Horwitz, Katherine Hoskins Mackey, Erica Huang, Christy Lee Hughes, Nobuo Inubushi, Heather Janneck, Julie Jei, Jessica Jennings, Amelia Kallman, Edward Kasche, Amanda Lara Kay, Jesse Kearney, Mark Keller, Russ Klein, Eric Michael Kochmer, Kordelia, Heather Lang, Perri Lauren, Austin Lesch, Nicole Lewis, Andrew Llera, Ted Lochwyn, Cynthia Loebe, Steve Lord, Shawn Luckey, Judy Malka, Racheline Maltese, Chris T. Margaritis, Dolores McDougal, Chris McMullin, Julie McNiven, Melissa Medina, Kim Meisner, Chris Miskiewicz, Ed Mitchell, Kent Moran, Keith Moyer, Samantha Musumeci, Robert Myers, Tony Naumovski, Elizabeth Newman, Gregory Nissen, Ernesto Nodal, Chris Nuñez, Brad O'Connor, Kel O'Neill, Justin Osterthaler, Gloria Parks, Amy Parochetti, Geoffrey J.D. Payne, Chris Philip, Mark Pricskett, Vitta Quinn, Joe Rayome, Justin Restivo, Bill Richards, Louis C. Robins, R.J. Romano, Thomas Russo, Isaac Schinazi, Emily Schweitz, Matt Semino, Andrea Bertola Shaw, Allysa Shorte, Kristen Silverman, Abraham Smith, Brian Smyj, Nikki Snelson, Martin Soole, Kevin Alexander Stea, Frank Stellato, Cameron Stevens, Kat Stroot, Stewart Summers, Ronald Sylvers, Barney Taylor, Ryan Phillip Thomas, Katherine Tokarz, John 'J.T.' Tully, Annie Vanders, Bill Walters, Kevin Watson, Noah Weisberg, Brian M. Wixson, Ira David Wood IV, Erika Woods, Gail Yudain
show all“Across the Universe” Quotes 8 quotes
“- Jude: We don't have it in England, is it a big deal?
- Max Carrigan: Well, it's a heart-warming American tradition.
- Lucy Carrigan: Yeah. It celebrates the time when the Indians shared their food with the early settlers. And how did we repay them? We slaughter them in thousands then ship them off to the shittiest bits of real estate.”“Music's the only thing that makes sense anymore, man. Play it loud enough, it keeps the demons at bay.”
“- Lucy Carrigan: I would lay in front of a tank if it would bring Max back and end this war.
- Jude: Yeah, it wouldn't.”“- Jude: What are you going to do if you don't go back to college?
- Max Carrigan: What any irresponsible, unmotivated, drop-out would do. Go to New York, like tonight.”“Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun... If the sun don't come, you get a tan for standing in the English rain.”
“Say you're a pedophile, say you want to go into the villages and you want to rape and pillage all the little girls that look like me!”
“Maxwell, what you do defines who you are.”