“All Quiet On the Western Front” quotes
Lewis Milestone
directed this movie
in 1930
Title All Quiet On the Western Front
Original title All Quiet on the Western Front
Year 1930
Director Lewis Milestone
Genre Drama, War
Original title All Quiet on the Western Front
Year 1930
Director Lewis Milestone
Genre Drama, War
All actors – Louis Wolheim, Lew Ayres, John Wray, Arnold Lucy, Ben Alexander, Scott Kolk, Owen Davis Jr., Walter Rogers, William Bakewell, Russell Gleason, Richard Alexander, Harold Goodwin
show all“All Quiet On the Western Front” Quotes 14 quotes
“Our bodies are earth. And our thoughts are clay. And we sleep and eat with death.”
“I won't be a cripple. I won't live, I tell you... I'll kill myself the first chance I get! I won't live! I won't live!”
“I heard you in here, reciting that same old stuff. Making more iron men, more young heroes. You still think it's beautiful and sweet to die for your country, don't you?”
“We live in the trenches out there, we fight, we try not to be killed; and sometimes we are. That's all.”
“There are millions out there dying for their countries, and what good is it?”
I'm no good for back there any more, Kat. None of us are. We've been in this too long. The young men thought I was a coward because I told them that we learned that death is stronger than duty to one's country. It's not home back there anymore. All I could think of was: "I'd like to get back and see Kat again". You're all I've got left, Kat.
“When it comes to dying for country, it's better not to die at all.”
“We know how to honor the soldier who goes on in spite of love and death.”
“War isn't the way it looks back here.”
“Hey, look, new coffins. And they even sent us the stuff to fill them with!”