“Alone and Restless” quotes

Movie Alone and Restless
Title Alone and Restless
Year 2004
Director Michael Thomas Dunn
Genre Drama
All actors – Martin Seijo, Jamie Belanger, Caterina Christakos, Allan Medina, Michael Thomas Dunn, Taylor Marr, Christopher Zapatier, Ronald Fox, Yve Wilson, Humberto Bermudez, Jean-Paul Gibeau, Annalisa Kyler
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  • “- Ponch: Look at this place. All this useless people living their fucked up lives. Whatever you want, you can just fucking take it. These fucking people are weak.
    - Mace: They're out their living their lives. They don't have to steal or deal to get what they want.”

    Allan Medina - Ponch
    Martin Seijo - Mace
  • “- Jason: What would you do if you knew you were about to die?
    - Simon: I don't know, I guess I'd live life to the fullest.”

    Michael Thomas Dunn - Jason
    Humberto Bermudez - Simon
  • “There are two constants in life: death and pain.”
    Allan Medina - Ponch
    [Tag:death, life, pain]
  • “- Ponch: Do you believe in fate?
    - Jane: Yes.
    - Ponch: I am fate!”

    Allan Medina - Ponch
    Yve Wilson - Jane
  • “- Mace: I'm in too deep. I've got to do something I'm going to hate myself for.
    - Rachel: What do you have to do?
    - Mace: A long time ago I dug this hole that I've been trying to climb out of and I can't.”

    Martin Seijo - Mace
    Annalisa Kyler - Rachel